Sunday, June 29, 2008


This is Ken telling me I talk too much.... =D
Anyways its too cute not too share.

Had lunch at Excelsior Hotel with Grandma, Kenneth and many others today to celebrate Parent's day. Lunch was alrite, caught up with my God-parents and my God-sister and brother. It has been ages since I last saw them and am glad they are doing well for themselves. Joel is now a trainee pilot and Michelle have grown up beautifully.
Felt happy that I could spend the day with Mama, I love her so much. More than anything in this world. She was so upset that she scratched her new car today at the carpark. The scratch was pretty bad actaully and Ken tried to help lighten the scratch but could not.
Having damn bloody bad tummyache now. Head pounding like hell. Feeling so sick and Im suppose to go to Powerhouse tonite cuz Samuel is off the next day, but I dun tink I can drag myself out tonite. Kinda in pain and suffering now. Days not working seems to fly past so fast. 2 out of the 3 days are almost over and Im left with one more day of rest. I dun even know how I spent the 2 days. All I remembered was sleeping, sleeping and more sleeping. I sleep through my days and nights. Im such a pig.
So not looking forward to going back to work and school. Its such a torture. But I really cant wait to graduate man! Once I get my degree, life will be back to normal. With me only complain bout work and no more projects and reports and exams. I can't wait!!! but for now, there's still a long way to go, so I shall 'enjoy' it while I can, cuz for sure I'll miss it when its gone.
I can't wait for me to graduate and Ken to finish army and we can start travelling more often. go to places that I know nothing about. Drive around the country side of.... not sure yet. breathe the fresh air of someplace different. See mountains, lakes, snow..... plus shopping. I want to see many many things.
But for now, back to reality for the moment. Gotta concentrate on my project on hand.
Oh, and I MISS SAMUEL!!!
I know we dun spent as much time together as before. But U are still constantly on my mind.
As for the bitches, I really wanna meet u girls, but Im so busy at the moment. I promise to ask u out the moment im free okie'?? pls dun be upset.


You are sad and pathetic. You are a sicko stalker and you are pissing me off and scaring me at the same time.
Pls go away.
I do not like you at all.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Its Saturday

I have exactly three days of doing nothing before starting work again. So im definitely goin to enjoy every single minute. Well, I spent the whole Saturday morning catching up on lost sleep and only managed to open up my eyes at 3 in the afternoon. Pretty much the whole morning was spent sleeping but i also presume thats how im goin to spend the rest of my off days. sHiok!

Attended a birthday party of Ken's camp mate, it was alrite actually besides the fact that I was feeling damn bloated and nauseous. It was nice seeing Ken having fun with all his buddies and they were quite an entertaining lot. GL is so damn sweet to his girlfriend and I tink they are both very lucky to have each other. =) they were so sweet to look at. I juz love happy things and looking at all the sweet couples yesterday made me happy. besides the few bad apples and their conquest stories... one was particularly disappointing but expected anyway.

Why do a guy wanna cheat? I feel if ever a guy cheats on me, that will be the end of us. I dun tink I can ever accept the fact that he slept with someone else, that he fucked someone else. Even if he asked me to give a second chance, things will never be the same anymore. It will be a stain on the relationship that can never go away and the relationship will not be pure anymore.
Even if I forgive him, I dun tink I can ever forget it. Its juz wrong and something I will never able to put it aside and go on as if nothing has happened. If it happened once, it will happen again.
So when B said that he had sex with someone else besides his gf, all he said was that it was not his fault. I always thought that it was sweet that he love his gf so much till he wanna marry her, I feel that its all gone. And although he says he feels guilty, I dun think that will help.

As I always say, men can never resist a woman who throws themselves at them. Its like children not being able to resist chocolate given to them.
Only a few good guys will, which I believe they still exist. Juz very very few. Juz hope they will not let me down.
Like I say, out of 50 men there will only be one Peter. Another 50 men another GL. So in another 50 will there be a Kenneth?? =p

Yay, my food is back. Time to have lunch. Big Mac!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Counting down...

Bought pretty things to brighten up my days. Its been pretty gloomy the past few days, dunnoe whether the storm will pass or not but im definitely feeling slightly better that the weekend is near. Im so looking forward to my long weekend with Baby and Sunday Brunch with Grandma and God-Parents.
Ken bought beautiful roses and the colors were really beautiful, it brightened up the room and made me so happy juz looking at it. But sad thing is that it does not last long though.

We have a new addition to our home too, which is our Lucky Bamboo plant. We bought the number which came with the plant. So hopefully...*crosses fingers* that we may get lucky.... hahahaha. Its placed at a very strategic Feng Shui corner of the home. So hopefully it is working as hard as our Happiness Cat.

Other things that makes me smile is Pork. Who rolls all over the place. its juz damn bloody cute la!

Edith bought this sweet little cake for me. Such a sweetheart~ makes me smile.... things are definitely getting better and all these little things juz chases away the blues in my life. At the moment.

Good Morning

And a very good morning indeed. Feeling a little better this morning. Less crappy. Maybe its the thought of THurs and that the weekend is near.... or juz simply because Baby hugged me the whole nite to sleeep.
I love to be in baby's arms the whole nite, make me feel safe from everything in the world and I can sleep so soundly.
On the way to work, thought bout lots of things and realised that I have lost focus which resulted in me feeling frustrated and lost. Along the way and being caught up in everyday life, I have lost focus and forgot bout what im trying to achieve.
I see all the things that I do not have and forget to be thankful for the many things that I have.
I so blessed and yet im still complaining. argg..... how can I be so selfish and greedy.

I feel like im stuck here because I have not travelled for a long time, but only because I used to travel so often in the past and I miss the feeling of playing in the snow in Ottawa, enjoying the breeze in Australia, the shopping in BAngkok...... the many trips to nearby islands to enjoy the sea.
Now, Im stuck here worrying bout my studies and exams and reports.... all this seems impossible to achieve, but Ken says we will still make time. Really?? Truly and really?
I hope so......
Im feeling so much better today even though I have class later. but well, its juz the journey towards achieving something. =) YEAH!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This dreadful day is finally coming to an end.. not yet but soon. Hectic day at work and torturous time at class. Trying so hard to concentrate but simply can't.

Feeling not as crappy but kinda irritated still but dunnoe with what.

Crappy things happening. My maid is leaving. She's going back to her country, What am I goin to do without her!!!! she decided to go Canada as she has found a job there. even my maid is having a better life than me. But nevertheless, I wish her all the best. Ken gotta send her to the airport tomorrow. NOW WHO IS GOIN TO WASH ALL MY LAUNDRY ESPECIALLY THE BEDSHEETS. *faints*

hopefully the new maid that is coming does a good job too or else is gonna be so damn frustrating for my Mama.

Since my maid decided to leave us, the next worse thing that could happen. Happened. My washing machine broke down. is like WTF!

Juz out of the sudden. Nothing is goin well I tell u. Its so frustrating having to worry bout this and that.... to call this, to fix that. That is the downside on being independent and living on your own. U gotta settle everything by yourself. Thank goodness I got Ken. Or else I tink I will collapse from exhaustion. From looking after home, to working, to studying.
was feeling pretty down yesterday. Must be due to my unbalanced hormones.
Im still feeling crappy but there is no one to tell. Cuz I dun feel like telling it to Ken, cuz he would juz tink its my menses that is causing all these.... Alicia called me yesterday to chat, but was simply not in the mood at all.
Sometimes I wonder why nobody calls me and I realise.... yea, Im pushing them all away. I dun answer my phone calls and I avoid goin out with them. I feel so guilty but... at least, thank goodness, they still care bout me enough to call me and check up on me even though I play the missing game... *sigh*
I should really make the effort to meet up with them. Maybe I should... but im really so so tired.
Im not feeling better today and I have a high tendency to lash out on any one that pisses me off.
So. for now. Pls fuck off.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Random thoughts

Thinking how long do I intend to stay in my job? Its not like I hate it or anything but juz feeling...... dead.
What is my goal in life? Why do I feel like im wasting my time?
Could I be living a different life?
A better life?
Why am I so ordinary?
So many people in this world. and I feel like I fall into the unfortunate category.
So many lucky people - the rich people, the beautiful people. And I fall outside this groups of people.
What can I do to make my life better?

What exactly can make me truly happy?
Money? Will having more money make me a happier person? OR will I feel more empty? If I earn more money would I be happier?
At this point, I really dunnoe. I feel so confused. I dun have a plan for myself.
I am a nobody. And nobody will notice that a nobody is gone.
Maybe if Im a beautiful person, life would be better for me. Sometimes I wish I was pretty. When I look at beautiful girls, I wonder what is like to be beautiful and pretty. To have people adore them cuz of their good looks. I guess I will never know, a plane jane I will always be. I will always be the girl-next-door that nobody takes notice of. Walking in my own space....

I have dreams but dunnoe if I will ever get to fufil them.
1) to open my own soya bean stall.... =)
2) to travel many places.
But all these are only dreams, and dreams are what they will remain.

I cant bring myself to be optimistic, life is too tough and hard. Pessimistic is what I am.
I wish I do not have to live this life. Its too tiring.
I juz want to be by myself.

Its too difficult seeing people live their perfect life, in their perfect house, with their perfect partner. Makes me wonder did GOd forget bout me?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Juz like any other week, it starts with a Monday

Actually, Sunday is said to be the first day of the week. Anyways.....
Monday blues at work as usual. But one thing good, was that there was no worrying over school work. Juz nothing to do after work, which felt good.
After work, decided to go for a swim and headed down to Carribean. It felt good to swim, take me away from everything. All that surrounded me was silence and the sound of water enclosed all around me. Juz me alone in my space. I could hear nothing except for my own breathing - air escaping from my body in form of little bubbles. thoughts of mine seem to freeze under water. Could not think about anything at all. all the worries of the world seem to disappear.
Felt good after the swim, met up with Keong + gang to hang out for a while. I felt so unglam walking around in my wet hair, keep wanting to go home but ended up at Suntec, Starbucks. Me wearing singlet and shorts and untidy wet hair. Super embarassing.... well, but i dun care anyway.

there are many different feelings in me now. dunnoe how to put them out in logical sense.

when a man treats a woman too well, his frens say he is weak or scared. Why won't they think its simply because they love their girlfriend so much.
How loved do you feel by your partner? Do u feel like you mean the world to him? Do u believe that he would give up everything for u?
I feel like no matter how good my guy treats me, I will never feel completely sure and confident that he will always be mine. Life is that u will never know what will happen, but I dun wanna tink bout the negative thoughts and juz enjoy every single moment together.
Why do I always feel like im not good enough for him? not only him, but for everyone else. I feel like im hiding deeper and deeper into my hole. Not wanting to come out and face the world.
I juz wanna live in my own world and continue to live for my own. I must not lose focus on that
Sometimes I get so caught up in everything, I forget bout myself. Only in times like today, being in the water. I remembered bout myself. And living for my own.

sigh. im feeling too emo. need to be more upbeat.

oh ya, im goin to have a long weekend this week. yay, off on sat all through Monday. No plans though. -.-
my life sucks.

My getaway memories

My Getaway memories......

Firstly is our room on stilts . Not forgetting the slendid view.

Fun times spent on our balcony.

With my favourite foods.....

And Ken's favourites.

Our luxurious spa. I wan more!!

The steps to our room was a killer.... I feel like fainting everytime I walk back to the room.

Our yummy dessert. We went there specially to eat A&W. We had curly fries and root beer float. But nothing beats the waffles. *burp*
Ken waiting for our waffle to be ready.

My Birthday gift from Ken. I love Pork.

On our last day, not looking forward to goin back to reality.

Beautiful memories with u.

more good times to come. =) I *heart* U.
Been feeling kinda down and emo these few days. Something I can't explain why. Juz some uneasy feeling inside me.
Yesterday was a Saturday and I spent it at work and school. How sad can my life be? Went Far East for some retail therapy... was feeling juz upset about pretty much everything and damage done to my bank account was like about $200 bucks. Argg. There was this shop which sells really pretty dresses but the prices were ridiculous. A dress cost like $169.90. And it was not branded. It was a simple dress, from dunnoe where, selling in a small shop at Far East and the material was like any other clothes from Far East, thin and translucent. To spend that amount of money on a thin simple looking dress... I could not bring myself to do it. FOr that amount, I could get 5 pieces of other clothing from my regular shops. Which I did...

After shopping, headed down to Kovan to buy some plants. Decided to pick up a new hobby, Gardening. Yes, Gardening. Did not managed to find any plant I like cuz it was quite late and most of the nurseries were closed, decided to head down later to check out some other nurseries. Im quite excited bout my new hobby. =)

Was pretty upset the other day, conversation I overheard between Ken and his fren. His fren was telling Ken about something funny his gf said to another girl. Which was somthing like - Are u Chinese or Malay? Why U so dark? - It was in Chinese, so pardon my translation. It really sounded much worse in Chinese. I totally lost it when I heard that and thought that it was fucking rude. But instead they thought that it was funny. How would that girl feel when asked that question. Its not like she chose to be that color. What a fcuking bitch.
Juz becaues some girls think that they are pure chinese, they are like so much better than the rest.
It brought back some bad memories of me being made fun of for my mixed parentage. It sad and hurtful. I have grown to be much stronger than I was when I was much younger, so it does not really bother me anymore. But sometimes, I will get so pissed when I hear remarks like that, maybe because of all the suppression. Im not ashamed of my mixed blood, but some people make me feel like I ought to be. Juz because my mom is Thai, does not make me less priviledge to walk this earth.
Im blessed to be born with fair skin, but juz imagine those who are not. Being made of fun of something they have no control of is cruel. Unlike obesity, fat people have a chance to not be fat, so if they are fat, they deserved to be laughed at. Unless they are nice people. Then they are spared. So as I always tell people, u can say im ugly. But u must never say im fat. I'll be more hurt if u said im fat, cuz it means im not doin anything about it and I should be laughed at. But when u say im ugly, i have no choice. I juz gotta live with it right?
either way its sad. I tink this is the reason for me feeling upset this few days. Been so stressed out and eating a lot, I tink Im putting on weight. But im too lazy to go exercise and spend all my free time sleeping away.
so im now fat and ugly. congrats luisa. good job.

I hate her so much for making fun of people that are not of pure parentage. I wish I can post her picture up so she can be ostracized. But I will not. Cuz whatever I say here, I will forget bout it in a while. and when I see this post, I might regret it. so well. its like the other person I hate so much, how much I wanna say about her, I refrain from letting out my harsh words, no matter how much I want to, cuz I know someday, I'll regret all the mean words I've put down in writing. and there will be no way to erase it. So for now, I shall try to forget the evil and wicked things those 2 girls have said and done, and try to forgive them. The girl who makes fun of people skin color takes the cake from the fat girl who is loud and irritating. loud and irritating who pisses the hell of lots of people versus a girl who tinks that being a pure chinese makes her better than anyone else.

I tink I should juz buy some new plants so I can start talking to them.
Im mad. Really really goin mad. and im still upset.
I wish I can run away from everyone and everything. There are wicked people all around and I dun wish to deal with them. Ken understands and see all that is happening, but there is nothing we can do. Im not the bitchy Luisa I used to be and I dun have the energy to deal with all this. I should juz continue to stay in hibernation to avoid all the bad aura outside my world. Yes, FOr now, I shall juz remain in my own world.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


This week has been extremely hectic. Finally coming to an end to this super exhausting, stressful and tiring week... I can't wait for Friday. Nope, I will not be heading out but at least I get to relax for while without worrying about anything.

Firstly, this week is the deadline for both reports. Both group and individual. So trying to juggle both reports at the same time is super duper stressful and tiring.
Secondly, this whole week I was to be understudy for Cash Office. A new role, its learning new things all over again. I was worried the first day but after the second day things got a little better. Startin to get the hang of it but its really very tiring. I get so exhausted everyday after closing the branch, I still gotta either go to class or meet my groupmates for discussion. Im so tired everyday, I really dunnoe how I made it through till today. My back hurts and my eyes seems to auto shut every 2mins.
They say the higher u climb the more lonely u become. Maybe I rose too fast, some people could not except it. Which makes me sad. Learning the new role has it good times and bad times. Caleb and Sheares has been pretty supportive of me at work, so have many others but one or two of them has been pretty harsh with me. its difficult dealing with it. In the beginning, I was on the same side as them, but now I tink its hard for them to accept that they gotta do what I ask them to and it is really difficult asking them to do certain stuff. I know I still dunnoe a lot of stuff, but I have only worked for bout 1 and 1/2 years, so compared to their 8-10 years experience Im not that good. yet.
well.... im still goin to try hard to perform well and to be outstanding at work. Really feel that I do not want to let my boss down since she has been fighting hard for me to learnall the roles of a operations officer. Its really difficult with lots of things to learn, but I tink I'll be fine.
So add on all this workload with school work, im pretty much exhausted and stressed out. sigh.

Europe trip is back on schedule. So YIPPIE. I guess its a break for me. Planning to take a break from school next sem, to rest and recharge.
Shucks, gotta do somemore work and im already so sleepy.... how much more of this torture can i take. Im dying...... barely got enough time for myself this week. so sad. been eating a lot this whole week, did not realise till my colleagues asked me bout it. Have been snacking non stop, and snacking on junk food and eating whenever I get the chance. Eating lots of chocolates. and heavy lunches. had rojok and chee chong fun for lunch....

gotta go back to typing my report. sianz.....

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Im suppose to be on leave till Monday and I thought that I could totally enjoy my entire super long weekend. Barely even reached Singapore when the messages and phone calls started coming, on work and school projects. Felt so sianz the moment I reached Singapore, wished so much that I could spend longer time away. Away from all this bullshit.
Gotta wake up early tomorrow morning on my off day to meet up with group mates for discussion. *sigh*
When will this end.
Grandma called me and told me that the Europe trip is cancalled. But we're be going to Turkey instead. Well, at least I dun have to take too many days of leave.

Friends came over for Monopoly game again. Really love the house being filled with laughter. I tink it gives the home a good feeling, or rather a good aura.
Everything seems to be goin smoothly for now, besides my school and work stress. Im crossing my fingers and hoping that things will only get better.

I know I said it many times, but Im gonna say it again. Ira is a damn good housemate. She is clean, neat and fun. The 3 of us could juz sit around the living room and play and chat and slack... its a good thing. She is so sweet for boiling water for me and buying junk food for all to share. Im glad. No worries at all.

Sitting around and chatting today, get to see the guys poing of view. The gathering today was guys in different stages of a relationship. The honeymoon, the so-in-love, the sian-already, the I-can't-stand-my-girlfriend, the been-together-for-damn-long-but-still-love-her, the I-want-to-marry-her.
hearing what they had to say about their girlfriend made me wonder if women were really so hard to please.
I dun tink women are hard to please, it may be that they juz dunnoe what their girlfriend wants.

So sleepy now, I miss the sea waves already, but my own bed and room feels so much comfy. But now Im back here to face work and school again. My break is so not enough. sian ah. having a little tummy ache, must be too much seafood the past 2 days. Had cheap yummy seafood dinner and seafood lunch. So plus the fact that im allergic to seafood, I could not resist and juz decided to pay for it later.
Me and Ken had Butter Squid, Quaker Oats Prawn and KaiLan with Oyster Sauce, all for only SGD$19. SHIOK.
Lunch was free, included in the package.
Other things that is cheap there would be me doin a full Mani and Pedi, total damage: Manicure $9 +Pedicure $12 = $21.
Ken bought 3 cans of beer and cigarettes for below $10. Cigarettes cost bout $2.50 a pack. We are living like a king there. its like many times we have gone there, but we juz keep goin back. Juz love it there. Love the sea and the cheap cigarettes and beer and seafood.
This is life

Friday, June 13, 2008

Birthday part 2

After all the drinking and dancing and partying, Ken and I had a getaway to continue celebrating my birthday. Still feeling sleepy and tired and bloatedness from all the alcohol, we took a ferry to Batam.

This is one of my best birthday.... had a really great time with everyone and Im really very happy...
Thanx to everyone who either spent it with me, or simply juz by remembering the day. =)
Thanx for all the best wishes.... for those who I do not keep in touch but made the effort to call too. I was really surprised but glad.

Batam was quiet as usual, which I love. Time for me to unwind and ponder about stuff. I feel really blessed. For having it all. I should count my blessings instead of seeing what I do not have...
I have my own home, a great family, a loving boyfriend, wonderful friends, my BETTER other half - Samuel, fun colleagues, my own car and lots of people who loves me... I guess thats all I need in life.... for now. =)
Until Kenneth can fufil my 1.8 million dream.
This Birthday definitely has been a love fest for me... being showered with so much love and attention.

Early morning after partyin at Zouk, was stoning all the way on the ferry. Felt giddy and nauseous and the alcohol was still squishing in my tummy. *sigh* felt sick and a little cranky.

The view from our room. Beautiful~
Love the sound of the waves and the sea looks so peaceful.... Sat at the balcony for the longest time juz staring out at the sea.

Next best thing on the trip was our spa session..... Ahhhhhh..... after all the dancing and running around in heels the whole night, my feet were aching and I was definitely looking forward to the spa after a long period of work and studying....

The Spa Room by the sea
Ken Relaxing....

Looking our to the sea while soaking in the jacuzzi..........
managed to see a beautiful sunset. simply took my breathe away.

More on the trip but feeling a little lazy now.... so shall update when free
Time to rush to someone else birthday party... Zzzzzz

Birthday Party~

I enjoyed every single moment of birthday... from the stroke of midnight all the way till the end of 12th of June. I tink I only slept for 2 hrs the whole day..... But it was a blast.....
Celebrated a WHITE birthday at Zouk with the whole 'family' of friends. Had a great surprise from Samuel. Definitely the best gift this year....

The other birthday girl that I shared the day with. =)
Sweetie Jac Chong - 11th June

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fun panda was alrite.... expected more, but still it was okie...
One more day of work and Im running away for a while. At least a while is better than nothing.
Running away from what? Everything....

Boss says to learn the roles of Cash Officer when I come back from my leave. I appreciate the opportunity to learn new roles fast but at the same time Im scared. Worried that I may screw up. Im scared that I would be too stressed out from school to handle the pressures from work. *sigh*

Feeling a little distant from the world, from everything around me. Or rather distant from everyone around me.
I feel caught up in work and school that I feel that I have neglected people and friends around me. My family as well. Catching up with them is something long overdue.
Over the weekends, I want so much to juz hang out with them and have drinks or coffee. But at time I juz feel so exhausted that I juz dun have the energy to ask anyone out. Weekends are filled with errands to run or projects to rush. So I guess overtime, they just stop calling.
Spending a little time with them over this weekend made me realise....
how much i miss hanging out with friends.....
how much i miss the mindless chatter....
the evil gossiping sessions....
the laughters........
the cigarettes.....
how much I miss Samuel and the rest.
Feel a little detached from them all... Somehow..... sad. upset.
Giving too much to work and studies? Or simply not making enough effort?? I dunnoe.
Sometimes, it gets kinda tough.
But I guess this is the sacrifices my uncle told me about.
Why do I have to sacrifice? Can't I have everything? studies, work, friends, boyfriend....
Oh ya, I only have 24hrs a day, and I dun have enough for all.... *sigh*
Im leading a sad and lonely life.

I feel im becoming a grumpy old woman... feeling so cranky everyday at work.
Might be the beginning of getting burnout from work. or maybe juz birthday blues.
Im juz plain upset and grumpy.

Hopefully my trip on Thurs would clear my head. Refresh my soul. and be all ready to come back and face the world. AND REPORTS. AND DEADLINES. AND WORK.
For now, tomorrow is gonna be another long day. dammit.
I love this pic. Its really sweet.
I feel like Im living in my own world.
Is it a good thing? or bad thing?
bad as in im leaving everyone I care for behind or rather outside of my world.
I miss them all especially Samuel. Sometimes I miss the small talk, chats, serious talks...
remember the time where we met up for coffee at Mr Bean's to talk about how unhappy we were with each other for leaving each other out of other's life.
now I feel a little disconnected.. prolly from not spending enough time together..
well.... whatever happens, I know and I hope u will always be around for me.... I *heart* Samuel.
And of course not forgetting Ken baby, for being my pillar of support and encouraging me when Im on the brink of madness. being around when im breaking down.
Thanx for not saying a word and juz hugging me when I burst out crying for no reason.
juz love it so much that u are always around for me. =)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Love Fest Part 2

Us at 'PLAY'. Can't say it was fun. It was the same old thing. Different faces, different crowd. But juz being with friends... I had fun despite my constant yawning due to being up way past my regular bed time. And my aching feet, cuz I was standing for too long.

I had a good Saturday. But I slept through Sunday... felt so crappy when I woke up. Damn. It has been so long since I last drank alcohol and had tummy ache the next day. Today is monday and as usual, I suffered from Monday Blues. But Im glad its over... juz looking forward to my spa holiday with Kenneth on my Birthday.
But till my holiday, Im back to typing reports and school work for now. Im rushing out my work so I can enjoy my leave at the end of the week.
I have made my decision regarding my studies and my holiday. I decided to defer my studies for one sem. yes... juz for a holiday. Few say its dumb to defer studies for a holiday. Many say go for the holiday. So im goin with the majority and postponing my graduation date.... All for the sake of a 13day holiday in Eastern Europe.
Worth it or not? I still do not know. Sigh. Dilemna.. okok... I've decided already. I shall stick to the plan.... hopefully all goes well.
Happy happy happy..... a little cranky... but mostly happy.