Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This dreadful day is finally coming to an end.. not yet but soon. Hectic day at work and torturous time at class. Trying so hard to concentrate but simply can't.

Feeling not as crappy but kinda irritated still but dunnoe with what.

Crappy things happening. My maid is leaving. She's going back to her country, What am I goin to do without her!!!! she decided to go Canada as she has found a job there. even my maid is having a better life than me. But nevertheless, I wish her all the best. Ken gotta send her to the airport tomorrow. NOW WHO IS GOIN TO WASH ALL MY LAUNDRY ESPECIALLY THE BEDSHEETS. *faints*

hopefully the new maid that is coming does a good job too or else is gonna be so damn frustrating for my Mama.

Since my maid decided to leave us, the next worse thing that could happen. Happened. My washing machine broke down. is like WTF!

Juz out of the sudden. Nothing is goin well I tell u. Its so frustrating having to worry bout this and that.... to call this, to fix that. That is the downside on being independent and living on your own. U gotta settle everything by yourself. Thank goodness I got Ken. Or else I tink I will collapse from exhaustion. From looking after home, to working, to studying.