Monday, June 23, 2008

Juz like any other week, it starts with a Monday

Actually, Sunday is said to be the first day of the week. Anyways.....
Monday blues at work as usual. But one thing good, was that there was no worrying over school work. Juz nothing to do after work, which felt good.
After work, decided to go for a swim and headed down to Carribean. It felt good to swim, take me away from everything. All that surrounded me was silence and the sound of water enclosed all around me. Juz me alone in my space. I could hear nothing except for my own breathing - air escaping from my body in form of little bubbles. thoughts of mine seem to freeze under water. Could not think about anything at all. all the worries of the world seem to disappear.
Felt good after the swim, met up with Keong + gang to hang out for a while. I felt so unglam walking around in my wet hair, keep wanting to go home but ended up at Suntec, Starbucks. Me wearing singlet and shorts and untidy wet hair. Super embarassing.... well, but i dun care anyway.

there are many different feelings in me now. dunnoe how to put them out in logical sense.

when a man treats a woman too well, his frens say he is weak or scared. Why won't they think its simply because they love their girlfriend so much.
How loved do you feel by your partner? Do u feel like you mean the world to him? Do u believe that he would give up everything for u?
I feel like no matter how good my guy treats me, I will never feel completely sure and confident that he will always be mine. Life is that u will never know what will happen, but I dun wanna tink bout the negative thoughts and juz enjoy every single moment together.
Why do I always feel like im not good enough for him? not only him, but for everyone else. I feel like im hiding deeper and deeper into my hole. Not wanting to come out and face the world.
I juz wanna live in my own world and continue to live for my own. I must not lose focus on that
Sometimes I get so caught up in everything, I forget bout myself. Only in times like today, being in the water. I remembered bout myself. And living for my own.

sigh. im feeling too emo. need to be more upbeat.

oh ya, im goin to have a long weekend this week. yay, off on sat all through Monday. No plans though. -.-
my life sucks.