Sunday, June 29, 2008


This is Ken telling me I talk too much.... =D
Anyways its too cute not too share.

Had lunch at Excelsior Hotel with Grandma, Kenneth and many others today to celebrate Parent's day. Lunch was alrite, caught up with my God-parents and my God-sister and brother. It has been ages since I last saw them and am glad they are doing well for themselves. Joel is now a trainee pilot and Michelle have grown up beautifully.
Felt happy that I could spend the day with Mama, I love her so much. More than anything in this world. She was so upset that she scratched her new car today at the carpark. The scratch was pretty bad actaully and Ken tried to help lighten the scratch but could not.
Having damn bloody bad tummyache now. Head pounding like hell. Feeling so sick and Im suppose to go to Powerhouse tonite cuz Samuel is off the next day, but I dun tink I can drag myself out tonite. Kinda in pain and suffering now. Days not working seems to fly past so fast. 2 out of the 3 days are almost over and Im left with one more day of rest. I dun even know how I spent the 2 days. All I remembered was sleeping, sleeping and more sleeping. I sleep through my days and nights. Im such a pig.
So not looking forward to going back to work and school. Its such a torture. But I really cant wait to graduate man! Once I get my degree, life will be back to normal. With me only complain bout work and no more projects and reports and exams. I can't wait!!! but for now, there's still a long way to go, so I shall 'enjoy' it while I can, cuz for sure I'll miss it when its gone.
I can't wait for me to graduate and Ken to finish army and we can start travelling more often. go to places that I know nothing about. Drive around the country side of.... not sure yet. breathe the fresh air of someplace different. See mountains, lakes, snow..... plus shopping. I want to see many many things.
But for now, back to reality for the moment. Gotta concentrate on my project on hand.
Oh, and I MISS SAMUEL!!!
I know we dun spent as much time together as before. But U are still constantly on my mind.
As for the bitches, I really wanna meet u girls, but Im so busy at the moment. I promise to ask u out the moment im free okie'?? pls dun be upset.