Friday, February 27, 2009


I really wanna go for a holiday. I wanna go on a road trip. Drive around Australia on our own. I tink it will be pretty fun. Tiring but still fun.

I totally forgot that I needed to do research. All I can tink of now is HRE (Human Resource Economics). I have always been very lousy at maths and now I gotta do econs. Bleah~! i feel so sian ah.

Still considering to head down to Zouk tonite. But I promised myself, today no matter what I need to study. At least a little..... as if it will make a difference. But at least I wun feel guilty right?

Im goin to play my pet now. again.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Im addicted to 2 things at the moment.

Firstly Im addicted to Mahjong. I keep wanting to play.
Secondly, Im addicted to Facebook's Pet Society. My pet is soooo cute.

I can't help myself from playing with my pet everyday. I wanna buy so many things for my pet. Can somebody pls buy the maid's bonnet for me pls.....
When weekend comes, Mahjong seems to always be part of our plans.
But I guess Im happy everyday. I can't imagine myself clubbing every weekend anymore. its boring to me already. Same ol shit. Prolly clubbed too much last time. Or maybe im juz getting old. I rather hang out with frens on the weekend over coffee. Wake up early the next morning for bfast.
Or play MJ till early in the morning, laughing and enjoying each other's company. It great! Its totally the perfect way to past time, Im comfortable at home. No need to spend money. Superb.
Facebook is such a poweful tool which enables me to source out all the potential MJ kakis out there. Wheeee...
2 more months of school. From next week onwards, it will be the most stressful time for me with mid-terms, presentations, projects, and of course my final exams. And not forgetting that I still gotta work.
Kenneth will be goin back to Tekong soon. =(
I can' t wait. I can't wait. I can't wait to go home.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I've been playing MJ quite often recently. I have to admit Im a little hooked on it despite being absolutely terrible in it. But I believe with practise, I can do it~! All I need is my Hello Kitty MJ tiles to motivate me. hee hee.

Kenneth brought me shopping today so I could spend some money after controlling my shopaholic urges for so long. I had fun walking around Suntec City, looking at clothes and shoes. There is just something about shopping malls that cheers me up. Wanted to catch a movie, but was tempted by the offer of MJ, so headed home instead and played till 6am in the morning. Zzzzz

I allowed myself to just let loose for today and tomorrow. When Monday comes, its a whole new week with work and classes and reports and my mid-term is coming up. I can't stop worrying bout my exams. I can't take it anymore. I wan to NOT worry bout reports and exams. Persevere Luisa. Just a little while more...... Hang on there.... I need motivation.

I need a holiday.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Just another day after all??

Its Valentines's Day and Im alone at home doin my report and preparing my presentation. THis sucks. =( Don't feel like watching a movie with the many other couples in Singapore. YOu watch movie on a normal day, so what so special about catching a movie on Valentine's day. Isn't there anything unique to do. Some say everyday is Valentine's day, that's what lazy people say. I dun wish to go out and eat at restaurants so that they can exploit u + the fact that Im broke. =p
What I really feel like doin is buying a bunch of roses and standing at Orchard road and selling them at 10 bucks a stalk. But I did not do that at all. I spent the whole of last night playing mahjong till 6am in the morning, slept through the whole day and finally woke up in the evening to rush my report. How sad my life is. So I guess is juz another day for me. Another day for people to feel miserable that they dun have a valentine, another day for business to make more money, another day for people to show off what their partner's bought for them, another day for girlfriends to be either happy or angry at their boyfriend's choice of gift for them.... etc.
Im happy with my gift, juz unhappy with how the whole day turned out.
I tink I need a PS3.
My V day gift from Kenneth. =)

Friday, February 13, 2009

The past weeks have been a blur. I forgot what had happend and I dun remember what I did. Im juz rushing through each day, trying my best to get through the day. Im getting weary and I need rest. Reports are due over the weekend. Presentations... mid-term load....crazy crowd at work. Oh man, I wish, I wish, I wish this term would be over soon. I can barely hang on anymore.

On the bright side, Valentine's Day is coming up. I got my pressie already!!! It so beautiful. I really really really like it soooooo much. Its worth so much more than all the expensive presents out there. Thank you Baby. I really love it. Thanks for doin it for me. I wish I could have done something for u too, but I dun have the time now. Sorry. =( Have made a few plans for V day but decided not to go along with any of it. All businesses are exploiting everything in the name of St. Valentines. Even a glass of wine is costing 3x as much. Wanted to book a hotel room with Spa, but decided against it. To save money. No point wasting unnecessary money when both is broke. hehehe
So, in the end, the plan is to stay at home and have a quiet dinner. Away from all the other couples and expensive dinners and crowd and hustle and bustle. yeap. sounds good to me. except that I gotta cook. I feel cheated. But then the sad part is, I gotta rush a report over this weekend too. *sigh* this sucks.

I've been a little disturbed the past few days. Not something I wan to blog a bout cuz its some thing I wanna forget. Hopefully it will be out of my system soon. *forget forget forget* DELETE****
But it has reminded me to be thankful and grateful for all my love ones around me. To be contented with what I have and not to keep wanting more.
I juz wanna go home everyday to the arm of someone who is happy to see me. I dun need my Gucci, LV, Prada... but maybe my Mui Mui. Chasing all these last time has made me frustrated, empty and totally unsatisfied. I wan other things now. Family, good friends, and good junk food. wheeee.
Surround myself with people and things I love. And stay away from people who makes me unhappy And Irritated.

Friday, February 6, 2009

sniff sniff

Miss LuLu is having the sniffles and down with a fever on friday. how sad.
feeling terrible and sick. but still quite alrite. down a few meds and lots of water, hoping to get well by tomorrow.
been feeling tired from work and school and really need some time out from everything. but after chatting with my uncle over dinner, got a little motivation to hang on. hope it will all be over soon.
kenneth playing mahjong while i guess i'll be goin to bed real soon. like now.
Goodnite world.

Monday, February 2, 2009

2nd Febuary

my mood = Zzzzz
Today is the day when I officially say Goodbye to the holidays... Its Miserable Monday again, no more holidays but endless days of crappy work and never ending boring reports and researches. Sigh.
so sian and moody juz thinkin bout it. Last week was plain exhausting. Was feeling utterly miserable at work and feeling so sian it makes me wanna vomit.
Okie, no more dwelling on unhappy stuff. Think happy. Happy Happy Happy.
okie, lets see.....
I had fun almost the whole week, I enjoyed myself a lot. I won quite a bit of money. Enough for me to buy 5 packets of Korean Strawberries. Sweet!
The past few days, I attended Ah Boy's daughter 1year old Birthday party, won some money there too, but only enough for a packet of cigarettes. Brought my grandma to watch movie - the wedding game. Fann Wong is sooooo pretty! Hung out with friends till late at night playing silly games over ice-cream and fries. Attended wedding. TIRING! I need to stop having fun and go back to my studies and boring job.
Have I mentioned that Ira's son is here and he's so adorable with too much energy & I get tired playing with him after a while. Pfft.
I dun wanna work anymore...
I dun wanna work anymore.......
I need directions. Im lost.