Monday, February 23, 2009


Im addicted to 2 things at the moment.

Firstly Im addicted to Mahjong. I keep wanting to play.
Secondly, Im addicted to Facebook's Pet Society. My pet is soooo cute.

I can't help myself from playing with my pet everyday. I wanna buy so many things for my pet. Can somebody pls buy the maid's bonnet for me pls.....
When weekend comes, Mahjong seems to always be part of our plans.
But I guess Im happy everyday. I can't imagine myself clubbing every weekend anymore. its boring to me already. Same ol shit. Prolly clubbed too much last time. Or maybe im juz getting old. I rather hang out with frens on the weekend over coffee. Wake up early the next morning for bfast.
Or play MJ till early in the morning, laughing and enjoying each other's company. It great! Its totally the perfect way to past time, Im comfortable at home. No need to spend money. Superb.
Facebook is such a poweful tool which enables me to source out all the potential MJ kakis out there. Wheeee...
2 more months of school. From next week onwards, it will be the most stressful time for me with mid-terms, presentations, projects, and of course my final exams. And not forgetting that I still gotta work.
Kenneth will be goin back to Tekong soon. =(
I can' t wait. I can't wait. I can't wait to go home.