Sunday, February 22, 2009


I've been playing MJ quite often recently. I have to admit Im a little hooked on it despite being absolutely terrible in it. But I believe with practise, I can do it~! All I need is my Hello Kitty MJ tiles to motivate me. hee hee.

Kenneth brought me shopping today so I could spend some money after controlling my shopaholic urges for so long. I had fun walking around Suntec City, looking at clothes and shoes. There is just something about shopping malls that cheers me up. Wanted to catch a movie, but was tempted by the offer of MJ, so headed home instead and played till 6am in the morning. Zzzzz

I allowed myself to just let loose for today and tomorrow. When Monday comes, its a whole new week with work and classes and reports and my mid-term is coming up. I can't stop worrying bout my exams. I can't take it anymore. I wan to NOT worry bout reports and exams. Persevere Luisa. Just a little while more...... Hang on there.... I need motivation.

I need a holiday.