Saturday, February 14, 2009

Just another day after all??

Its Valentines's Day and Im alone at home doin my report and preparing my presentation. THis sucks. =( Don't feel like watching a movie with the many other couples in Singapore. YOu watch movie on a normal day, so what so special about catching a movie on Valentine's day. Isn't there anything unique to do. Some say everyday is Valentine's day, that's what lazy people say. I dun wish to go out and eat at restaurants so that they can exploit u + the fact that Im broke. =p
What I really feel like doin is buying a bunch of roses and standing at Orchard road and selling them at 10 bucks a stalk. But I did not do that at all. I spent the whole of last night playing mahjong till 6am in the morning, slept through the whole day and finally woke up in the evening to rush my report. How sad my life is. So I guess is juz another day for me. Another day for people to feel miserable that they dun have a valentine, another day for business to make more money, another day for people to show off what their partner's bought for them, another day for girlfriends to be either happy or angry at their boyfriend's choice of gift for them.... etc.
Im happy with my gift, juz unhappy with how the whole day turned out.
I tink I need a PS3.
My V day gift from Kenneth. =)