Friday, February 13, 2009

The past weeks have been a blur. I forgot what had happend and I dun remember what I did. Im juz rushing through each day, trying my best to get through the day. Im getting weary and I need rest. Reports are due over the weekend. Presentations... mid-term load....crazy crowd at work. Oh man, I wish, I wish, I wish this term would be over soon. I can barely hang on anymore.

On the bright side, Valentine's Day is coming up. I got my pressie already!!! It so beautiful. I really really really like it soooooo much. Its worth so much more than all the expensive presents out there. Thank you Baby. I really love it. Thanks for doin it for me. I wish I could have done something for u too, but I dun have the time now. Sorry. =( Have made a few plans for V day but decided not to go along with any of it. All businesses are exploiting everything in the name of St. Valentines. Even a glass of wine is costing 3x as much. Wanted to book a hotel room with Spa, but decided against it. To save money. No point wasting unnecessary money when both is broke. hehehe
So, in the end, the plan is to stay at home and have a quiet dinner. Away from all the other couples and expensive dinners and crowd and hustle and bustle. yeap. sounds good to me. except that I gotta cook. I feel cheated. But then the sad part is, I gotta rush a report over this weekend too. *sigh* this sucks.

I've been a little disturbed the past few days. Not something I wan to blog a bout cuz its some thing I wanna forget. Hopefully it will be out of my system soon. *forget forget forget* DELETE****
But it has reminded me to be thankful and grateful for all my love ones around me. To be contented with what I have and not to keep wanting more.
I juz wanna go home everyday to the arm of someone who is happy to see me. I dun need my Gucci, LV, Prada... but maybe my Mui Mui. Chasing all these last time has made me frustrated, empty and totally unsatisfied. I wan other things now. Family, good friends, and good junk food. wheeee.
Surround myself with people and things I love. And stay away from people who makes me unhappy And Irritated.