Monday, February 2, 2009

2nd Febuary

my mood = Zzzzz
Today is the day when I officially say Goodbye to the holidays... Its Miserable Monday again, no more holidays but endless days of crappy work and never ending boring reports and researches. Sigh.
so sian and moody juz thinkin bout it. Last week was plain exhausting. Was feeling utterly miserable at work and feeling so sian it makes me wanna vomit.
Okie, no more dwelling on unhappy stuff. Think happy. Happy Happy Happy.
okie, lets see.....
I had fun almost the whole week, I enjoyed myself a lot. I won quite a bit of money. Enough for me to buy 5 packets of Korean Strawberries. Sweet!
The past few days, I attended Ah Boy's daughter 1year old Birthday party, won some money there too, but only enough for a packet of cigarettes. Brought my grandma to watch movie - the wedding game. Fann Wong is sooooo pretty! Hung out with friends till late at night playing silly games over ice-cream and fries. Attended wedding. TIRING! I need to stop having fun and go back to my studies and boring job.
Have I mentioned that Ira's son is here and he's so adorable with too much energy & I get tired playing with him after a while. Pfft.
I dun wanna work anymore...
I dun wanna work anymore.......
I need directions. Im lost.