Saturday, November 22, 2008

Face like Strawberry shortcake.... ouch

Kenneth have been working like the past few weekends. And finally this is the last weekend that he will be working. As usual I have been left to myself to find my own entertainment. Of course the plan was to stay home and study. But since I lack the discipline and the fact that I dun feel in the best of mood, I had to go out and do something.

Met up with Jarlyn and Jack for coffee at Starbucks. Its been months and months and gosh, I do miss them. serious conversations and lots of laughter. Even after all these years, poor Jarlyn still stuck in the same old situation and having a broken heart. I wish I could do something to help her, or rather wake her up. But life lessons are best learnt by your own. No one else can help if you yourself have no intention to help yourself. Sigh. Because it takes such a long time for us to meet up, we planned ahead and booked dates of our next meet up sesssion. Dinner @ Sheration. Again. And another to have dinner @ Raffles Hotel. Yes. Im still broke as ever and its only getting worse. But dinner at all theses places would cost cheaper than a shopping center foodcourt. Why? Connections... Wheeeee..... and anyway, its Jack's treat anyway.

Today woke up early to go see showrooms of the Punggol flats and Boon Keng City View. I soooo lurve City View, but most of the units are already snapped up. but I could not afford it anyway.... its like $560K. *faints* i gotta pay through my ass to live there. Punggol flats are way too overpriced as well. Im so upset. Its so unfair.......

After Kenneth left for work, I headed to Dempsey hill for my facial. I have really bad breakouts recently and my face needs help. Now after facial, I feel so good all the disgusting stuff is being squeezed out but my face looks all swollen and bruised. Just like strawberry shortcake. Eeeewww. I hope it heals soon.

Im hoping so much for something, and I hope I get it. Hopefully next month will be a better month for me.

Since there is nothing much to look forward to next year as the market is only gonna get worse. Im juz living from month to month and saving as much as I can (not very successful) in case of any unfortunate event that is happening to almost every bank in Singapore. Im not scared or worried or panicking. I guess, if anything happens, all I can say is...

THat sucks~!

**FJ, hope you're feeling better..... I was so worried lor. Lucky u never die. I need my emailing buddy back at work soon. Im so bored without u~! I juz blasted your mailbox when u were on mc... hehehe

Monday, November 17, 2008

Online shopping....

I have been online shopping for the longest time. I rarely go down to town or shopping malls anymore cuz I can still get pretty dresses online. FAVOURITE........ Its also the fastest way to erode my savings.
There's so many things I can get online, its really interesting. Some seller wanted me to buy a Hello Kitty Toaster from her through email. I would. But I already got a toaster.
been checking out the new HDB flats at Punggol. But is really costly for somewhere so far. its kinda hard to make a decision. but im taking my time looking around.

anyways, been feeling moody too recently. might be due to memses. but i still wanna be the unreasonable bitch i always have been. I feel like im drifting away from the world. i tink its one of those times where the stress of my exams are starting to consume me. But it fact is..... im really really not stress over my exams. Im juz making an excuse to be angry with everything.
Im so angry with some people I feel like smashing their face and running over them with my van. I juz wanna spend my life hating them and devote my life to making them miserable.
But im too lazy. so in the end, I juz choose to ignore them and stay away from them as much as possible. try all ways to avoid them.

I wish I can buy some new frens online too. That way I can choose the type of people I can be frens with. And how they look like. How they talk. The kind of activities they like. And within 3-4 working days, they can be shipped into your life. And I can be super happy........... for the moment.
I juz rented like 4 novels to read, despite the fact that my exams are nearing. But I enjoy the peace and simple quietness, and time to myself when I read. Plus the fact that the Shopaholic series is super addictive~!!
Went to the food fair at Suntec twice in a row. the food there is fantastic and I spent close to 100 bucks. Juz on food.
Yeah. im really getting fat.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Kenneth have been working every weekend, which is alrite, cuz we're goin to need all the cash we can get. Went down to look for Kenneth at work yesterday at Suntec, the Singtel fair. Took a bus down after work, cuz the car was with Kenneth.

I really seriously dun mean to sound spoilt or irritating. Taking public transport sucks big time. It was so torturous. Squeezing with all the smelly and sweaty people. Argg.. I really wanted to puke. People rubbing against u, and holding up their smelly armpits in your face. It was terrible. I almost fainted from standing for prolonged period. I almost burst out crying when the bus constantly jerked, each time swinging me around the pole I was grabbing on. Some asshole would not give me a little space to hold on to the pole and I juz shove my hand to grab on to something. Fckin selfish I tell u. Some fat ass lying agains the pole, and juz because of her, everyone around her had nothing to grab on to. SICKENING. weirdos. Im definitely taking a cab the next time round. Public transport is too torturous for me. seriously. sigh.

Salaries shrinking and daily meals getting expensive. THis is no time to splurge and what did I do the moment I got my salary, I Spent. =(
So im goin to stay locked up. cuz im broke after paying off all my bills. HP bill this month is $400++. Damn. all cuz of the roaming charges... so well.

been rushing my report every free moment after work. Exams are coming up and I still have no bloody idea what is goin on. My lecturer sucks and listening to him is a torture.

my life sucks - at the moment. i fear losing my job. financial sector has been pretty shaken up. but juz taking each day as it comes. most to most, i'll just bum around again. shit. this sucks.

Monday, November 10, 2008

a monday that isnt so bad after all....

I got half day off from work this morning and had to attend a course in the afternoon. Utter waste of my time if I have to say so! Hmmp.

Anyways, the tension in the air recently of all the talks of retrenchment goin around, makes me wonder if it will affect me too. Its kinda scary... but im keeping my hopes up. Im worried because of my spendthrift lifestyle, with credit card bills to pay as well as a home to upkeep. So, pls keep me in your prayers. =)

Sat spent hanging out with Ken and Keong. Talking bout clubbing and partying. I kinda miss it sometimes. But I know that its not the dancing and music and alcohol that Im missing, but I guess i miss my frens. Miss those times of how we would come up with excuses for the entire group of us to go partying and getting drunk. We would celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, festivals, getting a new haircut, a new shirt.. whatever.... we even came down to celebrate me having my period.

Came across a few things that makes me ponder bout life.... I must be grateful for the people in my life who love me and stays by my side.
I am grateful that I have my health, even though its not fantastic, I can walk on my own, I can jump and ride bicycle. I can shit and pee without other people's help. Things that we take for granted can be so difficult for some people. Which is very very very sad. Its so heartbreaking and I tear even when watching some people struggling with life.

I really have no big dreams to be like super rich, I mean I would love to be rich and have everything that my heart desires. But for now... Im happy. As long as I have my family, my frens, my health, my JOB (something that I have come to appreciate over the past weeks).....I tink I would get through life fine.

LUISA LIM, you have to stop spending money....!!! Its the recession for goodness sake. GAH! Im so upset with myself. I really need to control my spending and Im locking myself up until the 12 of Dec. No more shopping malls for me. No going out to fancy restaurants. No more expensive cookies and cakes. No more shoes, no more dresses.

ENOUGH. I cant even fit in anymore clothes in my closet. I have to stop.

Please help me. Im goin to embrace the simple life from today onwards.

Luisa, u can do this.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

drink drank drunk

So broke. so broke. I seriously dunnoe where all my money go to. I need a financial check up. Im feeling so so ARGGGG bout my CPF investment losing money. bout 6K. I know its a small amount. but im still So upset.

I have to say that last nite was fun, both dinner and drinks. Dinner and game of Bridge with Samuel & fren. Then Kenneth and I had to leave for drinks with his frens. Which I was not really looking forward to but I have to say, I did have fun.
The mission for the night was to get the Birthday boy drunk, which was accomplished. But not only was the birthday boy spending most of the night with the toilet bowl, my darling boyfriend was super duper high too! Non-stop gulping of Chivas and beer and green tea, where loser of the game Holdem had to drink up the messed up concoction which would leave no man standing after. YUCKS. and yes, kenneth had not much good luck at the game, but so did many others. I stuck to my cherry beer which I kinda like. but stayed away from the other drinks cuz it was Nasty.
Although I was being bored to death by some conversation which I shall not expose here for fear that somehow, somewhere that person might chance upon this post. It was great. But all the plans that I had for Sunday..... not done. at all. I stayed home the whole day. doing nothing except to watch Season 2 of Gossip Girl. Im SOoooooo addicted......

I gottta have my beauty sleep now.