Sunday, November 16, 2008


Kenneth have been working every weekend, which is alrite, cuz we're goin to need all the cash we can get. Went down to look for Kenneth at work yesterday at Suntec, the Singtel fair. Took a bus down after work, cuz the car was with Kenneth.

I really seriously dun mean to sound spoilt or irritating. Taking public transport sucks big time. It was so torturous. Squeezing with all the smelly and sweaty people. Argg.. I really wanted to puke. People rubbing against u, and holding up their smelly armpits in your face. It was terrible. I almost fainted from standing for prolonged period. I almost burst out crying when the bus constantly jerked, each time swinging me around the pole I was grabbing on. Some asshole would not give me a little space to hold on to the pole and I juz shove my hand to grab on to something. Fckin selfish I tell u. Some fat ass lying agains the pole, and juz because of her, everyone around her had nothing to grab on to. SICKENING. weirdos. Im definitely taking a cab the next time round. Public transport is too torturous for me. seriously. sigh.

Salaries shrinking and daily meals getting expensive. THis is no time to splurge and what did I do the moment I got my salary, I Spent. =(
So im goin to stay locked up. cuz im broke after paying off all my bills. HP bill this month is $400++. Damn. all cuz of the roaming charges... so well.

been rushing my report every free moment after work. Exams are coming up and I still have no bloody idea what is goin on. My lecturer sucks and listening to him is a torture.

my life sucks - at the moment. i fear losing my job. financial sector has been pretty shaken up. but juz taking each day as it comes. most to most, i'll just bum around again. shit. this sucks.