Monday, November 10, 2008

a monday that isnt so bad after all....

I got half day off from work this morning and had to attend a course in the afternoon. Utter waste of my time if I have to say so! Hmmp.

Anyways, the tension in the air recently of all the talks of retrenchment goin around, makes me wonder if it will affect me too. Its kinda scary... but im keeping my hopes up. Im worried because of my spendthrift lifestyle, with credit card bills to pay as well as a home to upkeep. So, pls keep me in your prayers. =)

Sat spent hanging out with Ken and Keong. Talking bout clubbing and partying. I kinda miss it sometimes. But I know that its not the dancing and music and alcohol that Im missing, but I guess i miss my frens. Miss those times of how we would come up with excuses for the entire group of us to go partying and getting drunk. We would celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, festivals, getting a new haircut, a new shirt.. whatever.... we even came down to celebrate me having my period.

Came across a few things that makes me ponder bout life.... I must be grateful for the people in my life who love me and stays by my side.
I am grateful that I have my health, even though its not fantastic, I can walk on my own, I can jump and ride bicycle. I can shit and pee without other people's help. Things that we take for granted can be so difficult for some people. Which is very very very sad. Its so heartbreaking and I tear even when watching some people struggling with life.

I really have no big dreams to be like super rich, I mean I would love to be rich and have everything that my heart desires. But for now... Im happy. As long as I have my family, my frens, my health, my JOB (something that I have come to appreciate over the past weeks).....I tink I would get through life fine.

LUISA LIM, you have to stop spending money....!!! Its the recession for goodness sake. GAH! Im so upset with myself. I really need to control my spending and Im locking myself up until the 12 of Dec. No more shopping malls for me. No going out to fancy restaurants. No more expensive cookies and cakes. No more shoes, no more dresses.

ENOUGH. I cant even fit in anymore clothes in my closet. I have to stop.

Please help me. Im goin to embrace the simple life from today onwards.

Luisa, u can do this.