Sunday, November 2, 2008

drink drank drunk

So broke. so broke. I seriously dunnoe where all my money go to. I need a financial check up. Im feeling so so ARGGGG bout my CPF investment losing money. bout 6K. I know its a small amount. but im still So upset.

I have to say that last nite was fun, both dinner and drinks. Dinner and game of Bridge with Samuel & fren. Then Kenneth and I had to leave for drinks with his frens. Which I was not really looking forward to but I have to say, I did have fun.
The mission for the night was to get the Birthday boy drunk, which was accomplished. But not only was the birthday boy spending most of the night with the toilet bowl, my darling boyfriend was super duper high too! Non-stop gulping of Chivas and beer and green tea, where loser of the game Holdem had to drink up the messed up concoction which would leave no man standing after. YUCKS. and yes, kenneth had not much good luck at the game, but so did many others. I stuck to my cherry beer which I kinda like. but stayed away from the other drinks cuz it was Nasty.
Although I was being bored to death by some conversation which I shall not expose here for fear that somehow, somewhere that person might chance upon this post. It was great. But all the plans that I had for Sunday..... not done. at all. I stayed home the whole day. doing nothing except to watch Season 2 of Gossip Girl. Im SOoooooo addicted......

I gottta have my beauty sleep now.