Monday, November 17, 2008

Online shopping....

I have been online shopping for the longest time. I rarely go down to town or shopping malls anymore cuz I can still get pretty dresses online. FAVOURITE........ Its also the fastest way to erode my savings.
There's so many things I can get online, its really interesting. Some seller wanted me to buy a Hello Kitty Toaster from her through email. I would. But I already got a toaster.
been checking out the new HDB flats at Punggol. But is really costly for somewhere so far. its kinda hard to make a decision. but im taking my time looking around.

anyways, been feeling moody too recently. might be due to memses. but i still wanna be the unreasonable bitch i always have been. I feel like im drifting away from the world. i tink its one of those times where the stress of my exams are starting to consume me. But it fact is..... im really really not stress over my exams. Im juz making an excuse to be angry with everything.
Im so angry with some people I feel like smashing their face and running over them with my van. I juz wanna spend my life hating them and devote my life to making them miserable.
But im too lazy. so in the end, I juz choose to ignore them and stay away from them as much as possible. try all ways to avoid them.

I wish I can buy some new frens online too. That way I can choose the type of people I can be frens with. And how they look like. How they talk. The kind of activities they like. And within 3-4 working days, they can be shipped into your life. And I can be super happy........... for the moment.
I juz rented like 4 novels to read, despite the fact that my exams are nearing. But I enjoy the peace and simple quietness, and time to myself when I read. Plus the fact that the Shopaholic series is super addictive~!!
Went to the food fair at Suntec twice in a row. the food there is fantastic and I spent close to 100 bucks. Juz on food.
Yeah. im really getting fat.