Monday, December 29, 2008

Puppy Love

This year seems to have passed me by really quick. In this year, I have suffered greatly from the cruelty of studies and the torture of work. So drama, yeah, whatever.
Lots of things have changed, I realised I don't club as much as I used to, and I can't drink anymore, I am now officially a cheap drunk. All this due to the fact that Im juggling work and studies. I really feel too exhausted for anything else. Hopefully next year will be a better year for me.
Im heading for domestication, and since Im spending a lot of time at home, i need a pet to entertain me. I want a pet. I always wanted a dog since Joey passed away and Angie was given away, but a lot of committment goes into it.....
Im thinkin of either a Shitzu or Maltese. But I prefer the latter. So cute~! What's not to love.

I still do not know what Im goin to do on NYE. Counting down is overrated. Im not interested in fireworks. hmmmm.... I need a dog to watch TV with me. Call me grandma. =P

Friday, December 26, 2008


Goin back to work after Christmas is the ultimate sian-ness. How I envy those who does not have to go back to work after the holidays!! *sigh*
Christmas have been super busy and tiring for me, but I was happy. =) Christmas Eve was nice. No clubbing for me this year, juz hangin out with frens and sweeties. Dun really fancy clubbin anymore except for the company. Im getting old. BooHOoHoo.
Some sweeties that made my Christmas sweeter.

Kayla. SO cute this girl~!!!
Christmas day was spent with the dogs. It was a doggies X'mas party at my cousin's place.
Present at the party was Me, Kenneth, Keong & Serena...+ spectators.
Doggies present were Ruffles, Hayley, Ruskin, Qubie & Oscar. So fun~

Meet Ruskin - Smallest dog, biggest bark.

Ruffles - Biggest dog, most gentle dog
Hayley - The princess
Qubie - Ken's new ugly dog.
Oscar - The Outcast. Go Figure.
make friend. make friend. But Ruskin don't like. Racist! Ruskin kept barking at Oscar the whole time.

I enjoy simple pleasures of playing with dogs, having hot milo and prata with frens and talk bout our worries, our plans for the future and complain bout the present till 5am in the morning!
This Christmas have been great catching up with friends & family and it makes me truly happy to hang out with people I love and care about. I gotta do this more often.
Saturday would be another jam pack day of parties and meeting friends. Im so looking forward to tomorrow.
Im so sleepy already, but my movie is at midnite. I hope I can keep my eyes open.
Im watching Bedtime stories. I tink its gonna be good!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Jingle Bells

Merry Christmas~!!! Finally its here. My favourite season of all times. Wheeeee.....
The past weekend have been super hectic. Phew.
Friday nite at Movido with the girls was great. Haven't seen them for the longest time and I miss them so. The music was a bit 'jam' when I got there, but after a few drinks of Chivas, everything seems fine. LOL

Saturday finally had the chance to sleep in without thinkin bout work and school. Shiok. But still Saturday was spent packing up the house and goin grocery shopping to prepare for the Christmas dinner potluck on Sunday. Christmas dinner was held at my place, was glad that everyone turned up. It was great~ Even the unexpected turned up, I guess it was the spirit of Christmas. Kenenth enjoyed himself so much playing 'Risk' with the guys, I just enjoy hanging out and chatting with the girls. Overall, it was fun.

Work yesterday was dull as everyone was in a festive mood with totally no heart to work at all. But my orders of choco eclairs, black forests mini rolls and cream puff arrived yesterday. YUMMY! They are simply the best. After work, had dinner with Ken's parents @Central then Kenneth brought me to collect my Christmas present.
Tada. LV Speedy 25. =D

I love it Baby~!!! I so happy. hehehehehehehehehehe
Very Very happy. =D
Thank You.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Mr Dentist give me the chills~

Went to the dentist this afternoon and it was terrible. It was painful and torturous. It was pure torture for half an hour in that chair and I had to pay $396 after!!!! Gosh.
Its paying for pure pain.
The cleaning was so painful since my last visit to the dentist was many years ago, so I guess there was much to clean. =( and I had 4 cavities to fill. Ouch!
I have no appetite for the next few hours but gave in to spring chicken craving for dinner.
My teeth hurts and Im suppose to be changing and getting ready for drinks at Movida with the girls. Jiu Wo~
Feel sad gotta leave Kenneth to find his own program. =( Sorry

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All I need is Clothes & SHoes.

was feeling a little depressed this afternoon. Feeling a little upset bout some stuff. BOut life. Bout work. Im not really draggin my feet to work every morning, but I really need a break from work. From school. From all the bullshit around me. I juz wish to be somewhere quiet, with no worries, reading my book with warm sunlight on my face, ice cold beer. No worries bout money, bout work stuff, bout school.... I need to get away from my life. I need to be alone. Of course, I would not mind to have someone by my side that I can lean on and lay my head on his shoulder.
I was looking at my work schedule and there was no way I could getaway anytime soon. And I got even more depressed.
So I thought about clothes.... And how I would feel and look in them, and SERIOUSLY... I started to feel better. Clothes and shoes can really comfort me and do wonders bout my depression. It was amazing! I really really did not know that just thinking about clothes could make feel so warm and peaceful. Yeah, I know im crazy. I never said I was normal anyways.
I love my clothes and Im addicted. I need more.

This week is passing way too slowly. Its only Tues. Damn.
Feeling super sian to be back at work. But at least I get to watch little nonya. =)
Im soooooo waiting for Christmas. I can't wait for the superb dinner at MaMa's place.
Was invited to Kimberly and Kayla's birthday party on the 27th and it falls exactly on Kenneth's birthday. Was wondering what should we do, cuz Ken & I both adore Kayla to bits, so skipping her birthday was not a solution, Aunt Sharon simply asked Kenneth to celebrate with the girls. LOL~
I kept laughing cuz the party would be so girly and princessy, and Kenneth would be celebrating his birthday with a Barbie doll cake and 7 candles!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


ZoukOut yesterday was not exactly what I expected it to be. Nothing went according to plan and I did NOT have a lot of fun. But I overall it was juz okay...... Met and hung out with people I like, and some I do not like.
ZoukOut started off with bad communication, lots of waiting, hunger pains and feeling irriated. Was asked to go down earlier to rest in the hotel room, which was the plan. Ended up stuck in traffic jams and reaching Sentosa only bout 7++.
Chilling out in the room was probably the most enjoyable part of the whole entire nite and also hanging out Ian, he's cool. When headed down to ZoukOut, I was so irritated by fucking fat and sweaty people bumping me all over. And some asshole grabbed my ass while I was trying to make my way through the crowds. Seeing some people faces just spoilt my whole entire mood. I started to get bored and sat somewhere to drink and people watch. When deciding to go dance and enjoy the music, I was bombarded with people with fucking bad BO that made me feel like vomiting, and while holding my breath to prevent smelling their BO, I felt like fainting from the lack of oxygen. I gave up becuase the music was crap and headed back to the room to rest. Few of us hung out in the room till bout 5 plus and Kenneth knocked out, Jason was feeling ill. After resting for quite some time, we decided to go down to give ZoukOut one more try.
Met secondary school fren at the Main Arena but was not in a socialising mood so made a quick 'nice to see u and bye bye' . Stayed a while later and finally made it out of Sentosa around 7+ with the whole group in tow.

It is definitely the worst ZoukOut I ever experienced thanx to people who spoilt my mood. Very Fat people. They should juz stay at home. They do not add any value to the scenary and take up way too much space.

Friday, December 12, 2008



One more sem to go. But in the mean time, Im gonna enjoy the holidays before school starts next year. Starting with ZoukOut tomorrow! Wheeee.........
Happy dayz and happy time.

p/s Baby thanks for being so patient during my madness & sian-ness period. And for buying breakfast, lunch and dinner for me everyday. Muacks.
p/s FJ, Im super jealous of u lor..................................U better clear this sem.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jiu Wo

Im feeling lazy.
Im feeling miserable.
Im feeling tired.
Im feeling sleepy.
Nothing seems to be goin in my brain. And I feel hungry all the time.
3 more days to exam. 3 more days to happy dayz. And celebrations, and nua-ing.
To Christmas festive joy and happiness. HooooOORay......
But now, at this moment. I can't take it anymore. I feel suffocated.
Hang On.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I hate Exams....

Time of quiet reflection. I Love Being In Love. =) I love being happy. I know people would tink who do not like to be happy but please... there are many people who simply enjoy being miserable. Even when they claim all they want is to be happy. But they keep putting themself in situations which makes them miserable. Somehow I tink they enjoy it, so they things to whine about and complain about.
I realised I have crying a lot recently. And no, not because I quarrelled with Kenneth and certainly not because of my exams... even though I really feel like crying when I tink of my exams... ARGG
The reason for me tearing so much recently is the terrorist attack on Mumbai that claimed the life of Ms Lo Hwei Yen. She was beautiful, smart, fun, capable and successful. Most of all she had a man who loved her dearly.
It was heartbreaking to read about her husband talking about her. It was sooo heartwrenching. It made me tear more than once.
He said: “Everything I did, I did for her. My whole life revolved around her and she truly was the meaning of my life.”
The part that made me cry was when he said that he did not even want her to get wet. Awww..
Came across the blog of the gf, whose bf passed away during training in NS. Super sad too.... So cruel, so unfair. Hope she will get better with each day. Time truly heals all wounds, I would know. Its tested and proven. might take a longer time instead.

Love is such a beautiful thing. Bringing 2 strangers together and sharing each other's life. Takes a lot of hard work but I guess at the end of the day it would be all worth it.
Having someone to love me so so much have made me very happy. Giving in to my every whine. Being patient at my unreasonable tempers and demands.
Seeing or rather reading bout people losing their loved ones, is really very sad and I cannot imagine losing a dearly loved one. Its too scary to even think about it.
I feel that it is important to live each day happily, and not let any little thing get in the way. Any arguments and quarrels have to be settled or solved quickly and not go to bed angry. Life is so unexpected and never know what will happen..... I want every memory to be beautiful.

I know im babling without making much sense. thoughts are too random to put them together.

Anyways, its been a torturous, lazy Sunday for me. Napping, eating, snacking, reading, reading, reading, snacking, napping.... vicious cycle. I hate it~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate studying. I so wanna quit.
Oh man, I cant wait, i cant wait, i cant wait. I can't wait for Friday nite. Where I meet my worst nightmare for the month, IMC Paper and also the joy at 9pm.
I can do it. I can do it.
Im so sleepy already and I need to go out later for Shawn's Bday.... Yawnz.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pre-Exams Anxiety

Work has been... well.... not so hectic for the past weeks. Kinda good for me. Whee... but after a while, things start to get boring and we start to find things to do to past time. Like eating, snacking, chatting, reading newspapers... for me I choose to read my textbook to prepare for my exams but my colleagues keep Irritating me and I end up reading the same sentance 10 times. I ended up not studying but fooling around and stoning at work. =S

~My work Buddy Caleb and his retro hairstyle~


After work, we had a branch dinner at a Japanese Restaurant. It was a buffet dinner, so Caleb and I decided to not eat much for lunch so we could have more at dinner. Before dinner started we went shopping at Raffles City, but before it was time for dinner, we were sooooo hungry cuz we did not eat much the whole day and my legs felt like jelly. I was so tempted to munch on all the goodies that were at the basement but YEAH, I did NOT succumb to temptation and had a lot to eat for dinner. I ate like Tons of sashimi, tempura.... beef.... many many more. I felt like a shishamo after that.

Planning what to order... yum yum

As usual being bullied by Caleb and Sheares.

But life at work would be so boring without any of them.

We had Sake after dinner, everyone was so excited about it. See all the closet drinkers showing their true colors. hehe Sake was good, I never had it before. But it was kinda strong though. Bleah. I thought the cold Sake would be nicer but I ended up drinking the warm Sake. Shiok.

High~! LOL

Okie, enough of fun. I really need to study for my exams... I haven really started. Im so dead. =S Help me.