Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Jingle Bells

Merry Christmas~!!! Finally its here. My favourite season of all times. Wheeeee.....
The past weekend have been super hectic. Phew.
Friday nite at Movido with the girls was great. Haven't seen them for the longest time and I miss them so. The music was a bit 'jam' when I got there, but after a few drinks of Chivas, everything seems fine. LOL

Saturday finally had the chance to sleep in without thinkin bout work and school. Shiok. But still Saturday was spent packing up the house and goin grocery shopping to prepare for the Christmas dinner potluck on Sunday. Christmas dinner was held at my place, was glad that everyone turned up. It was great~ Even the unexpected turned up, I guess it was the spirit of Christmas. Kenenth enjoyed himself so much playing 'Risk' with the guys, I just enjoy hanging out and chatting with the girls. Overall, it was fun.

Work yesterday was dull as everyone was in a festive mood with totally no heart to work at all. But my orders of choco eclairs, black forests mini rolls and cream puff arrived yesterday. YUMMY! They are simply the best. After work, had dinner with Ken's parents @Central then Kenneth brought me to collect my Christmas present.
Tada. LV Speedy 25. =D

I love it Baby~!!! I so happy. hehehehehehehehehehe
Very Very happy. =D
Thank You.