Sunday, December 7, 2008

I hate Exams....

Time of quiet reflection. I Love Being In Love. =) I love being happy. I know people would tink who do not like to be happy but please... there are many people who simply enjoy being miserable. Even when they claim all they want is to be happy. But they keep putting themself in situations which makes them miserable. Somehow I tink they enjoy it, so they things to whine about and complain about.
I realised I have crying a lot recently. And no, not because I quarrelled with Kenneth and certainly not because of my exams... even though I really feel like crying when I tink of my exams... ARGG
The reason for me tearing so much recently is the terrorist attack on Mumbai that claimed the life of Ms Lo Hwei Yen. She was beautiful, smart, fun, capable and successful. Most of all she had a man who loved her dearly.
It was heartbreaking to read about her husband talking about her. It was sooo heartwrenching. It made me tear more than once.
He said: “Everything I did, I did for her. My whole life revolved around her and she truly was the meaning of my life.”
The part that made me cry was when he said that he did not even want her to get wet. Awww..
Came across the blog of the gf, whose bf passed away during training in NS. Super sad too.... So cruel, so unfair. Hope she will get better with each day. Time truly heals all wounds, I would know. Its tested and proven. might take a longer time instead.

Love is such a beautiful thing. Bringing 2 strangers together and sharing each other's life. Takes a lot of hard work but I guess at the end of the day it would be all worth it.
Having someone to love me so so much have made me very happy. Giving in to my every whine. Being patient at my unreasonable tempers and demands.
Seeing or rather reading bout people losing their loved ones, is really very sad and I cannot imagine losing a dearly loved one. Its too scary to even think about it.
I feel that it is important to live each day happily, and not let any little thing get in the way. Any arguments and quarrels have to be settled or solved quickly and not go to bed angry. Life is so unexpected and never know what will happen..... I want every memory to be beautiful.

I know im babling without making much sense. thoughts are too random to put them together.

Anyways, its been a torturous, lazy Sunday for me. Napping, eating, snacking, reading, reading, reading, snacking, napping.... vicious cycle. I hate it~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate studying. I so wanna quit.
Oh man, I cant wait, i cant wait, i cant wait. I can't wait for Friday nite. Where I meet my worst nightmare for the month, IMC Paper and also the joy at 9pm.
I can do it. I can do it.
Im so sleepy already and I need to go out later for Shawn's Bday.... Yawnz.