Thursday, January 8, 2009


Watched MILK yesteday after work with Jac, Boo, Sami, Loo etc. It was a refreshing change to have dinner with them and catching a movie from the hectic days of my working life. Kenneth was doing guard duty so I took a train all by myself all the way to town instead of hopping onto a cab. Im so damn proud of myself!
The movie was good overall. Even though it was about a gay political figure, Everyone should watch it whether gay, straight or in-betweens which Jac & I call the whatevers. There was this character Cleve Jones in the movie which is so Samuel!!
Nice. I had fun even though I reached home pretty late and was damn sleepy at work the whole day. It was a worthy sacrifice to see all my sweeties again.
Im soooo looking forward to goin to Bangkok with them the next round after all my studies.
Argg, I hate school.