Sunday, January 11, 2009

Brunch / Hi-tea

Lunch was at Mandarin Orchard. It was some dim sum buffet. I almost died by eating myself to death. There was an unexpected guest, John Lee, I was sooo surprised to see him. And I was glad to have him there. It was pretty pleasant reunion lunch + celebration of Sami's birthday.
I ate lots of tiger prawns, lobster, peking duck, suckling pig porriage and many many dim sum. Food wasn't that fantastic and the tiramisu did not taste like tiramisu. -.-

After the lunch some went home, some went to catch a movie. Either red cliff or Hannah Montana. I dun like chinese fighting movie and I dun like Miley Cyrus. Suppose to go swimming this afternoon but after the lunch I would have thrown up in the pool if I did went swimming so decided to head home and rest.

Im so addicted to this stupid facebook game, I wasted the whole afternoon playing it. Arggg.
Classes start next week on wed and thurs. ZZZzzzzz.

They give me the surprise look when I said that I dun know if Samuel would be coming. I just said we did not talk for quite some time. And when I tink bout it, it has really been QUITE some time since we talked. How were we last time? I thought we are still close. But I haven realised maybe not anymore. Well, things do change. Or maybe I changed. I might have changed cuz I dunnoe what to say to him anymore. I dunnoe what to do together anymore...... well.... thats life. haven really thought bout all this till today when John kept asking whether we quarrelled. Thats the thing. we did not even quarrel. I juz drifted out of ur life. so John concluded - we have broken up. I dun know to laugh and take it as a joke or feel sad bout it.
John mentioned while we were smoking on how our 'family' have turned out into and I totally agreed with him. Its juz weird that we're still there. I tink its really time for me to find new friends. A new scene. I tink im goin to take up Yoga classes or some baking class to hang out with some housewives. SInce im turning into some boring old alcoholic shit.
Juz some thoughts.... dun ask me bout it. I dun want to talk bout all this at all. Juz need to let it our. Tomorrow will be a better day. =D
Bless me in the new semester.