Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kenneth & Luisa

This picture was taken by a very expensive camera and it was beautifully taken. =)
Despite the fact that it was taken at my most unglam moment, it still managed to turn out pretty okie actually.
This pic was taken after swimming when my hair was wet and uncombed. Me in my shorts and slippers walking around Suntec City. SO UNGLAM. I kept whining to Kenneth that I wanna go home. but well, at least something good came out of it.
Feeling like im coming down with a very bad cold. My tissue paper lying all over the place. Nose hurts from all the blowing and its red and dry. I look like the freaky reindeer now. damn.
Feeling kinda stressed out from my school work cuz I DUNNOE HOW TO DO....... !!!
How? HOw? HOW?
I feel so helpless when I look at the case study.
Other than school stress, everything else is pretty much ok. Besides the fact that Ken gotta do duty this Sat leaving me at home alone to finish up my report.
Life is Good.
Besides the leaking nose, Im feeling very happy everyday. Everyday is a joy with Baby. So happy to juz come home and spend time with you. I feel so bad that u always gotta wait for me. I really feel so guilty making u wait for 3 hrs doin nothing 'till my class finishes. Sigh. Although u say its okie and that u dun mind. I really feel bad that u are rushing here and there, to send me to work and to school. Then to pick me up after school. Or simply juz rushing around to send me to places. Im glad that u are willing to do all this for me but guilty at the same time.
Tomorrow is Friday, but no plans as usual. Juz a whole load of marketing research report to do up.... *faints*
Its getting late. Nite Nite.