Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I slept my whole long weekend away. Managed to avoid Monday blues cuz I was off today. but its also the first day of my *ahem*. so i was lying in bed rolling around in pain cuz of my cramps. grrrr..... torturous.

My cramps are bloody hell killing me and my leg feels so swollen. Besides the monthly torture that I go through, my weekend was nothing special. Out of 24hrs a day, I slept like 20hrs. Wake up only to drink water and go to the toilet. Not much of a appetite too.
So not looking forward to goin back to work tomorrow. sigh.
I wish I could spend all of my days like that, lying around in bed with Baby. Sleeping till late in the noon with Baby, taking lazy afternoon naps on Baby's lap on the sofa and watching DVDs in the evening. How quickly the weekend passes. Time flies when you're relaxing.
These few days spent at home, I had lots of time to myself.
To think.
To ponder.
Im upset bout certain things but realise that I can't change most things. But at the same time, Im happy.
I feel that this world is such a cruel world and life is difficult. Its hard to just ignore the bad stuff. Bad stuff as in bad people and bad situations.
I feel that she does not like me very much. You can say im sensitive. or I tink too much. I probably am but still this is how I feel. Its so obvious sometimes, but its not obvious to others. She's trying to leave me out, but I dun want to play that game. I dun have the time and the energy. Im not fighting with u for anything, but u make me feel you are taking him away from me. and not even leaving a little for me. Or maybe he himself do not find me interesting to be with anymore.....
SO much negative thoughts.. I can't breathe.
So many mean and rude people around. its sad sometimes. I dun understand whats up their ass..
Happy people seems to be extinct. all around are people who are irritated and always in a rush.
Talking bout no one in particular, juz some experiences on the road when im driving. its hell driving on the road nowadays, everyone seems to be rushing off to die somewhere.
Good times over. Say hello to work and reports and deadlines and schoool.
I have no life.
ok, not too bad. At least I had durians juz now. and I bought like 2kg of Longan.
Im burping durian smell and the whole house smells of durians now. YUM!
having a little sore throat. MC??