Saturday, June 14, 2008


Im suppose to be on leave till Monday and I thought that I could totally enjoy my entire super long weekend. Barely even reached Singapore when the messages and phone calls started coming, on work and school projects. Felt so sianz the moment I reached Singapore, wished so much that I could spend longer time away. Away from all this bullshit.
Gotta wake up early tomorrow morning on my off day to meet up with group mates for discussion. *sigh*
When will this end.
Grandma called me and told me that the Europe trip is cancalled. But we're be going to Turkey instead. Well, at least I dun have to take too many days of leave.

Friends came over for Monopoly game again. Really love the house being filled with laughter. I tink it gives the home a good feeling, or rather a good aura.
Everything seems to be goin smoothly for now, besides my school and work stress. Im crossing my fingers and hoping that things will only get better.

I know I said it many times, but Im gonna say it again. Ira is a damn good housemate. She is clean, neat and fun. The 3 of us could juz sit around the living room and play and chat and slack... its a good thing. She is so sweet for boiling water for me and buying junk food for all to share. Im glad. No worries at all.

Sitting around and chatting today, get to see the guys poing of view. The gathering today was guys in different stages of a relationship. The honeymoon, the so-in-love, the sian-already, the I-can't-stand-my-girlfriend, the been-together-for-damn-long-but-still-love-her, the I-want-to-marry-her.
hearing what they had to say about their girlfriend made me wonder if women were really so hard to please.
I dun tink women are hard to please, it may be that they juz dunnoe what their girlfriend wants.

So sleepy now, I miss the sea waves already, but my own bed and room feels so much comfy. But now Im back here to face work and school again. My break is so not enough. sian ah. having a little tummy ache, must be too much seafood the past 2 days. Had cheap yummy seafood dinner and seafood lunch. So plus the fact that im allergic to seafood, I could not resist and juz decided to pay for it later.
Me and Ken had Butter Squid, Quaker Oats Prawn and KaiLan with Oyster Sauce, all for only SGD$19. SHIOK.
Lunch was free, included in the package.
Other things that is cheap there would be me doin a full Mani and Pedi, total damage: Manicure $9 +Pedicure $12 = $21.
Ken bought 3 cans of beer and cigarettes for below $10. Cigarettes cost bout $2.50 a pack. We are living like a king there. its like many times we have gone there, but we juz keep goin back. Juz love it there. Love the sea and the cheap cigarettes and beer and seafood.
This is life