Thursday, June 19, 2008


This week has been extremely hectic. Finally coming to an end to this super exhausting, stressful and tiring week... I can't wait for Friday. Nope, I will not be heading out but at least I get to relax for while without worrying about anything.

Firstly, this week is the deadline for both reports. Both group and individual. So trying to juggle both reports at the same time is super duper stressful and tiring.
Secondly, this whole week I was to be understudy for Cash Office. A new role, its learning new things all over again. I was worried the first day but after the second day things got a little better. Startin to get the hang of it but its really very tiring. I get so exhausted everyday after closing the branch, I still gotta either go to class or meet my groupmates for discussion. Im so tired everyday, I really dunnoe how I made it through till today. My back hurts and my eyes seems to auto shut every 2mins.
They say the higher u climb the more lonely u become. Maybe I rose too fast, some people could not except it. Which makes me sad. Learning the new role has it good times and bad times. Caleb and Sheares has been pretty supportive of me at work, so have many others but one or two of them has been pretty harsh with me. its difficult dealing with it. In the beginning, I was on the same side as them, but now I tink its hard for them to accept that they gotta do what I ask them to and it is really difficult asking them to do certain stuff. I know I still dunnoe a lot of stuff, but I have only worked for bout 1 and 1/2 years, so compared to their 8-10 years experience Im not that good. yet.
well.... im still goin to try hard to perform well and to be outstanding at work. Really feel that I do not want to let my boss down since she has been fighting hard for me to learnall the roles of a operations officer. Its really difficult with lots of things to learn, but I tink I'll be fine.
So add on all this workload with school work, im pretty much exhausted and stressed out. sigh.

Europe trip is back on schedule. So YIPPIE. I guess its a break for me. Planning to take a break from school next sem, to rest and recharge.
Shucks, gotta do somemore work and im already so sleepy.... how much more of this torture can i take. Im dying...... barely got enough time for myself this week. so sad. been eating a lot this whole week, did not realise till my colleagues asked me bout it. Have been snacking non stop, and snacking on junk food and eating whenever I get the chance. Eating lots of chocolates. and heavy lunches. had rojok and chee chong fun for lunch....

gotta go back to typing my report. sianz.....