Friday, June 13, 2008

Birthday part 2

After all the drinking and dancing and partying, Ken and I had a getaway to continue celebrating my birthday. Still feeling sleepy and tired and bloatedness from all the alcohol, we took a ferry to Batam.

This is one of my best birthday.... had a really great time with everyone and Im really very happy...
Thanx to everyone who either spent it with me, or simply juz by remembering the day. =)
Thanx for all the best wishes.... for those who I do not keep in touch but made the effort to call too. I was really surprised but glad.

Batam was quiet as usual, which I love. Time for me to unwind and ponder about stuff. I feel really blessed. For having it all. I should count my blessings instead of seeing what I do not have...
I have my own home, a great family, a loving boyfriend, wonderful friends, my BETTER other half - Samuel, fun colleagues, my own car and lots of people who loves me... I guess thats all I need in life.... for now. =)
Until Kenneth can fufil my 1.8 million dream.
This Birthday definitely has been a love fest for me... being showered with so much love and attention.

Early morning after partyin at Zouk, was stoning all the way on the ferry. Felt giddy and nauseous and the alcohol was still squishing in my tummy. *sigh* felt sick and a little cranky.

The view from our room. Beautiful~
Love the sound of the waves and the sea looks so peaceful.... Sat at the balcony for the longest time juz staring out at the sea.

Next best thing on the trip was our spa session..... Ahhhhhh..... after all the dancing and running around in heels the whole night, my feet were aching and I was definitely looking forward to the spa after a long period of work and studying....

The Spa Room by the sea
Ken Relaxing....

Looking our to the sea while soaking in the jacuzzi..........
managed to see a beautiful sunset. simply took my breathe away.

More on the trip but feeling a little lazy now.... so shall update when free
Time to rush to someone else birthday party... Zzzzzz