Monday, June 2, 2008


Watched Sex and the City on Sunday evening with the guys. The show was simply - beautiful and gorgeous. All the clothes and shoes. Absolutely my dream come true. sigh. We totally occupied like 2 whole rows of the cinema... and damn were we noisy. Overall, the show was FABULOUS. and the girls GORGEOUS. My company FUN.

I teared a little today at work. Feeling overwhelmed with sian-ness. Felt this morning at work that this Birthday would be the worse B-day ever! why? I dunnoe. Juz feeling so sian!!

I wish I could take a break from studying. And juz stop for a while. But another part of me wanna juz get it over and done with.

Im in a dilemna. I have planned out my entire leave for the whole year. Put aside leave for my exams. My rest days... birthdays... etc.
And now an offer came up and Im in a dilemna. HOw? HOw? How??
I was kindly asked to go on a trip to Eastern Europe for 13 days~! Fully sponsored of course. How would I be able to afford~! But the prob was... I gotta keep leave for my exams or else I will totally screw it up. But an offer like this do not come everyday............
I can't breathe.
Was in a kinda shitty mood this afternoon and totally said shitty things to ken. I know he felt hurt. I could hear it in his voice. I felt so guilty. I wanted to apologise.... but i could not bring myself to say it. Instead of apologising... i juz keep saying crap shit. Argggg..... I hate my mood swings.
The moment we hung up the phone, I felt terrible. I wanted to call him back and ask him how was he feeling. But I was too arrrogant to call him back. I felt that I keep screwing everything up, when i received a sms from him. I quote word for word from Kenneth Lim.
"Baby I love u so much. I am willing to go through any hiccups you have in life. When u are down i will be there by your side. sayang you. when u r happy, i will be with you to share your joy. I juz want to let you know that im willing to do anything to make happy. Thats the only aim I have in life. I love u with my whole heart. Nothing can stop me from loving you."
And this sms juz turned my whole day around. I feel so happy. Feel so loved. It is definitely one of the sweetest thing anyone ever said to me.
So Mr Kenneth, this is proof if u ever go back on your word.