Saturday, May 31, 2008

tired. really tired

I love my ride. Got many ideas and plans for it. a little changes and a little modifications... ahhh.... planning to change the color of the van. thinking of doin Pink... Ken would rather have black.

anyways, my thoughts are all jumbled up for the past few days. pondering bout lots of stuff but juz cant seem to put it all out in a logical manner. its all jumbled up and messed up. my thoughts are all messed up juz like my brain. its fried. im tired and exhauted. can't tink of absolutely anything.
again... friday... this friday was not like the previous doing nothing at home. got places to go and stuff to do. and I really wish that I had no plans at all.
tomorrow is goin to be worse....

so many things on my mind. juz dunnoe what to worry about first and what to settle first. actually nothing much to settle.... juz thoughts.

I wish I can run away. run far far away. I need a break. A break from everything. A break from work. A break from school. reports. projects. deadlines. family. friends. Yes.
I feel like really im rushing everyday. 24hrs not enough for me. im not sleeping enough, I haven taken a nap in the longest time. work is freaking hectic. arrrggggggggggggg................

I really wanna run. please bring me somewhere. to recharge. to rest. to relax. I feel drained. I have no more energy to pack... to worry.... to think.... to budget. Im tired of thinking how to pack up... how to make more space.... tired of thinking of money and how to survive. on whether i should buy new clothes. I juz wan to stop thinking......
tired of laughing.
tired of smiling.
tired of walking
tired of rushing
tired of working.
tired of typing.
tired of worrying.

I need a break.