Friday, May 30, 2008

having emo fit at work. feeling restless and upset and moody. seems to be feeling this way for the past week. and it sucks.

Ira finally moved in last nite with the help of Paul and Daryl. Chatted till pretty late and after Paul and Daryl left, Ira and I juz continue chatting.

Talking and pondering about relationship stuff.
would u be happy? if ur partner said to keep your relationship a secret.
would u be happy? if u are with someone whom people around u do not approve of.
it is easy to say that a relationship only consist of you and the other. so why care so much about people around you, but I guess sometimes it matters.

so how? dun get me wrong. im extremely happy in my relationship and everything is goin smoothly. for now. but sometimes looking at the people around me, juz gets me thinking....
time to go back to work. Lunch is over. =(