Wednesday, May 28, 2008

good stuff.... bad week

im very very tired. and very very grumpy.
im supposed to be happy and contented. I am. Im supposed to be.
But im feeling super sian since Monday and each day keeps getting worse.
My schedule is super jam packed, so much stuff to do, places to go but not enough time... 24hrs simply not enough for me....
Busy with what?? Firstly, I have no off day for the past 2 weeks... which makes life miserable.
Things I need to do... but haven got down to doing yet.
1. go to the library for my report research. (totally no time at all!!!)
2. finish doing my remaining 15 journals. (still procastinating)
arggg.... i cant think of the remainin cuz its causing me to have a very bad headache and hyperventilate juz thinking bout all these stuff.
Tenant moving in soon and the common room is still in a mess. I got no time to pack up the room. and no time to look for a bed frame. Rushed down to IKEA yesterday but somehow did not manage to make a decision in tim before the store closed. Did not want to make a rushed decision and regret it later. So decided to juz pass Ira my bed frame first and sleep on the floor for the time being. Pathets. But I got bigger worries than that. The room is full of my stuff and i gotta move them all out of the room but i have no place!! damn. thank goodness for ken to help me settle all these or else I tink i would go mad~! completely mad.
Finally and I mean "PHEW" finally.... I cleared every single cent of my credit card debts and Im free!! Wheeeee....... at least this is a damn good thing.
Dinner yesterday night was good. Thai food. So hapz to see Sami, Jason, Gary, Jac, Sasa, Rod and many many many more........
Schedule is jam packed with appointments and Kenneth is officially my PA. hee hee. thanx baby.
The guys wanna watch Sex and the City on Sun and I simply do not know if I can make it. Thank goodness for ken to plan out all my timing for me. Whole weekend is jam packed~!!!
Starting from tomorrow.
Morning ~ Work
Evening ~ Class (yawnz)

Morning ~ Work
6 - 8pm ~ Training @ Tampines (No time to go look at bed frame....)

Morning ~ work (halfday)
2 - 4pm ~ makeup marketing lesson (damn)
Evening ~ invitation to Lilian's baby 1 mth old / Dinner with grandma
(how the hell am im goin to split myself.... damn) gotta choose........
I would choose to come home and sleep the rest of the day away
Suppose to watch movie with the guys, thank goodness, its fully booked.

Morning ~Church
Afternoon 2 -4pm ~ project group meeting (im dying..... exhausted)
Evening ~ Sex and the city


so as u can see. my life sucks the moment. im burned out. totally.