Sunday, May 25, 2008

A little joy

My Friday was not as bad as I tot it would be. I drove out to meet Sam for drinks and I managed to park pretty okie. But still not very used to it yet.
Sat was pretty tiring, but eventful. Finally managed to watch 'What Happens in Vegas' after all the delay and procastination. Sat 2nd row from the front. -.- I probably could see Cameron Diaz upskirt from the angle I was sitting. Headed down to Keong's place a mini bbq after the movie even though I was super tired, damn sleepy and already half stoned. But it was fun hanging out. Mindless chatter and plans for the future. The usual stuff. Was planning to head home early after showing face at the bbq, ended up heading home only around 3.30 in the morning. damn. was really stoned by then. but no doubt, we had lots of fun. drove our new van up Kent Ridge park. Actually, Keong drove and ken was shouting all the way up. LoL.

Today was better! Mufe and Ken officially declared to each other that we are really damn broke. After passing some cash to Sam, I had really juz a little left to survive. Ken is really broke. So we decided to budget ourselves these few days till we get to our next pay day.
We woke up pretty early for a Sunday morning, drove down to S'goon gardens to get our regular b'fast. Hotcakes meal. (Something I gotta have every Sunday morning.) lazed a little in bed after bfast and guess what, being the broke couple we were, we booked a appt for a full body massage and ear candling session for the afternoon. TALK BOUT BUDGETING.
excited, we headed down to Holland Village for our spa retreat. kept discussing on how we were goin to survive till the next month....... well...... we'll survive. I hope.
It will come to us. We are really living the LIFE. its hilarious. An army boy and a bank officer. Supporting an entire home on my own and a vehicle and living the life. LoL. Its No wonder why im always broke. But im very very happy. Feel somewhat blissful and contented. I really dunnoe. Juz feel like there is nothing more to hope for, except of course, to complete my degree as soon as possible.

Felt nice chatting with Sam on Fri. Talking bout life and what not. Im glad i have him. Does help me get through life easier. or rather. happier? grounded? can't really find the right word. But I know I'll be fine having Sam and Ken in my life. FOr now.
I believe that things are juz gonna get better. Right?
Pray hard for "IRA"...... *crosses finger*