Friday, May 23, 2008

TGIF? For What?

Felt that this week passed so fast I did not even realised today was Friday.

And yes Im feeling depressed cuz its TGIF and I have no plans, no places to go, no one to accompany. Sheares and Caleb were busy making plans at work and all I have planned was to go to mama's place for dinner. =(

Finally me and Ken got our very first 4 wheels transport. Our baby blue Peugeot. =D Im so excited and the past few nights were spent driving around aimlessly. Today Ken is doin guard duty and I got the van all to myself. But me being such a kayu and hopelessly lousy at parking. I don't dare to drive anywhere which would require me to park.

I rushed home after dinner at grandma's so that the carpark would not be too packed and I would have a free parking space which has 2 lots or more so I have more space to maneuver and not scratch any other cars around me. =S Despite all the driving experience I have over the years, no matter how hard I try, i really suck at parking. Argg.
And yes, this means there is one more Lady Driver on the road and im NOT any better than any of them. SO BEWARE.

Being home alone does not mean that im juz lying around stoning. Before this post, I was rushing to read and summarise like journals which is no easy task. Finally managed to complete 4 summaries which means... plenty more to do. =( Its so so so so tiring and I feel so stressed out that I was on MC from work yesterday. Was having damn bloody bad gastric which did not allow me to have any sleep at all and after all the tossing and turning and groaning, my alarm rang. I had no choice but to take MC.
Luckily Ken finished work early on Thurs and managed to accompany me to see a doctor, but during that time, my ache vanished. -.- But I still managed to get my MC, thanks to my pale complexion and weak heartbeat, due to lack of exercise and sun, which I can pass off as a sickly person.

My bonus came and went and im broke again. Huge amount of money went into paying part of my long time credit card bills and of course my new baby blue darling. Not forgetting all my shopping in 1 week which took up like close to 1K. WTF~!
Regrets. Actually no la, i still like my shorts a lot.

So nothing much happened this week. Juz collected the car, drove around my area, school, work, mc, reports and this week is over.