Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekend Blues

Ken has been working since the start of the long weekend. Instead of enjoying my weekend doing nothing, im looking forward to the end of the day when I can see him again.

Ken started work since Friday afternoon, leaving the rest of the day for me to do whatever I want. Well. after work, I went shopping at Raffles City... alone. It was alright. I actually kinda enjoy walking around alone. I was too lazy to meet anyone else. Within less than 2 hrs, I spent almost $500 bucks. =( Feeling so guilty right after. My first stop was Robinsons. Simply juz wanted to buy a simple Clinique Moisturiser, ended up spending $200 bucks at the Clinique counter. After I was juz wondering around Raffles City waiting for time to pass till my appointment at Cathy. I decided to check out Topshop flagship shop. I walked in and all the pretty clothes were calling me to them. And before I knew it, I had like 6pcs of clothes to try on. I like them all..... but decided that I could not have them all. It was too expensive and simply not worth the money. =( I could get much more clothes for the money that was going to be spent. I tried to decide which to buy and which to put back on the shelf. I took pretty long to decide and half heartedly placed the un-choosen items back. *sigh*

While lining up for payment, I dunnoe why but then and there i decided to check out the prices of the clothes that I have choosen and saw that a pair of shorts actually cost $86 bucks. SHORTS. But they were too pretty to not buy it. And there u have it another $200++ gone at Topshop outlet.

Felt kinda guilty for spending so much money without and second thoughts, the moment I made my purchase I decided that I should juz go someplace and eat instead of walking around and spending more money and regretting later on.

Raffles City / City Hall was crazily packed with human traffic and I could not stand it, I made my down to Cathy believing there will be less crowded there. Wanted to grab something light to eat to fill my stomach before my waxing session. As usual, too many people and no place to sit. I was alone, so could not choop a place to seat while I buy my dinner. So poor me had to juz grab a hotdog and stand somewhere ALONE to fill my stomach. How sad. And to make the situation more pathetic, the hotdog was overpriced and tasted horrible. Bleah.

They had like a whole list of different hotdogs, but I tink they all tasted the same. best thing of the day - Ken came to pick me up after my waxing. He managed to squeeze some time in between work to pick me up, Which means I do not have to squeeze on some public transport with strangers. =D

Nothing much after, had a beer with Michelle and Sharon. Left shortly and went down to 'Play' to meet Samuel. Same place, different feeling. Used to have so much fun in that place. But now the moment I stepped in the club, everything seems so boring. Nothing changes. I tink im getting old. Which scares me. Either im becoming old or im turning into a boring person. -.-

Sigh. Today is a SATURDAY and as usual, I spent the whole day at home. Alone.
Had Caleb to accompany me for lunch, and after which I did some aunty stuff. Shopping for hangers for my bursting wardrobe. While I was packing my wardrobe, I made a mental note to stop buying clothes. yeah right. I have too many clothes and I cant keep track of all. But I like it.

Feeling a little stressed out from all the pending reports, but well, keep telling myself to get started on my 24 Journal Articles, but everytime I tink of it, I feel sick. After packing my wardrobe, so wanted to start on my Article No 1 but I feel asleep instead. Argg.
When I woke up, I feel sick up till now. Somehow Im down with a flu and have been blowing my nose till its sore and peeling. I feel like shit and look like shit.
Due date for my assignment is coming up and I only have one article out of the 24 that im suppose to prepare. Somebody please save me.......
I tink im blabbing on and on cuz I have no one to talk to at home. Damn.
I tink I better rest. Im feeling so sick.