Monday, May 12, 2008

Today is Monday and Im at home. Feels really good to be home and resting on a Monday morning. The whole weekened simply passed me by. Had many plans for the weekend, but nothing went according to plan. The Sat was spent running around S'pore looking for the perfect van. Then came Sunday, where we agreed to spend time at home and rest. But instead we spent the whole afternoon cleaning up the house and after went for dinner at Kovan. So so tiring.
Did not even make it home for Mother's Day lunch with Grandma. =(
Sat was so so tiring for me, at the end of the day i felt so sick on the way home. I totally felt so terrible. Bleah.
Had to send Ken's parents to their concert and have dinner with Sam, then go pick them up after the concert. Car broke down at the traffic light, up slope somemore. Felt so sick by then and still had to stand in the middle of the road and direct traffic away to prevent some stupid speeding driver from hitting into the stationary car. Sat could be said as a "not too good" day. But at least I made it to have dinner with Sam even though we din manage to catch a movie.

Now is Monday and Im glad I have one more day to rest, due to my hectic weekend.
The new semester have juz started and im already feeling the stress and pressure of this sem's work load. My team is down by 1 person and my com is giving prob so im still thinking of what i shoud do for my program????
Im still feeling not too well, and am wondering what the hell is the prob. grrrrr...
Wanna do many things, but feel so lazy to step out of the house. Weather so hot, no transport, not much money left. Damn... this sucks.
Me and Ken are trying to save as much as possible for the downpayment of the vehicle. It not goin to be easy but we both simply can't live on public transport~! The past week have been torturous for us. Not knowing how to get to places and what buses to take. The waiting for buses and squeezing in trains! So terrible.
We try to take cab as often as we could but cab fares are really really expensive and taxi drivers are so rude. Juz from potong pasir to my work place which is freaking near, cab fare is 6 bucks. WTF?
People are so rude on the train and they smell weird. i hate it when people invade my personal space. i hate public transport. I dun mean to sound pampered and spoilt but public transport really sucks. So much time wasted plus smelly & weird people all around.
Been having my own transport since poly days and now suddenly back to public, 7 years of driving and riding around, I got a lot to learn on public transport. I hate it~!!!
juz can't wait till we get out new vehicle. Its gonna put a strain on our finances, considering we still got our home to support. But well, it would simply mean less shoes for the month and maybe instead of buying clothes every 3 days maybe I'll juz cut down to once a week. =(

Feel so cosy and lazy at home, I tink I would be spending the whole day lazing like this I guess.
Well, dun seem too bad anyways.