Thursday, June 5, 2008

I guess Im bloggin more often now to avoid doin work. Lots and lots of reports to type but really dun have the mood to do anything. but I feel so bloody guilty doin nothing. damn.

Got half day off from work, lazing at home on a Thurs afternoon. feels good. to juz stone.

Petrol prices is juz goin up and up.... -.-

yesterday me and ken took a drive down to yishun... or is it sembawang?? dunnoe where... drove all the way down to eat their famous bee hoon. and so suay, the coffeeshop was not open. poor baby could not satisfy his craving. anyway, so we drove around looking for a nice place to eat, and there was this Hans along the road, which was 24hrs. The place was quiet with free parking. kinda nice place actually to have a quiet dinner. Its been quite some time since both of us spent time together. I know we see each other everyday, but rushing through each day, running from place to place, rushing to complete errands and meeting friends and entertaining family members, we dun get time to ourselves very much. So it nice last nite, juz me and him, eating alone at a quiet place. spending time together. =D
my days are extremely hectic and we could be sitting next to each other not talking much at all and juz doing our own stuff. me doin my reports and he.... i dunnoe what is he busy doin. So both of us came to a conclusion, its not juz about seeing each other everyday but I guess its important to spend quality time together. even if it means doing nothing at all....... yup yup.

hopefully our getaway next week will be good for us. for me to recharge from work and study stress.
yup, so now im goin to enjoy my afternoon nap. and gotta go class later................argg......... sian juz thinking bout it.