Friday, June 6, 2008

Its been a week since Ira moved in. Everything is great so far... really so far so good. But im not keeping my hopes high yet, cuz of the bad experience previously. But she keeps her room really neat and clean. And the toilet does not stink. The kitchen is still as clean as it is. SO well, everything is great.
Its great coming home to neat and pretty home. Ken and I bought a new bed frame and made a nicer room for Ira to live in. The other room actually looks good now.... hmmm... or maybe the previous tenant was juz too messy. Seriously did not mind his messiness at all, but the toliet was unbearable. It was heartbreaking to see that other people did not care about the upkeeping of the house.
So, well, home has been nice with friends visiting and hanging out now.

Ken did not like the idea of previous tenant bringing up different girls all the time, it was weird seeing them walking around the house, especially the one who wore her bra and walked out to the toilet. ken was so embarrassed by that, but I seriously thought that she was kinda sweet and pretty. She cleans the room up pretty well too. But then, there was another.... Can't really remember the rest but only that some was not bad....
anyone was better than the screaming girlfren. dun even wanna mention her. the thought of her makes me..... nevermind. forget it.
Thinking of either goin to Keong's place for a swim or should I juz stay at home to do my reports... =( I have no life. Only school and work. damn sad.
Its friday night and all I can tink of is school work and school work. pathetic.