Sunday, April 27, 2008

Lazy Sunday noon~

Feels so good to be home bumming around on a Sunday afternoon. No books. No lecture notes.
I must thoroughly enjoy myself this week before my school starts again. Bleah.
Going for mama's birthday dinner later on. Can't wait to see the little cutie. =D
This little cutie, Kayla

Im thinking what to do. Thinking of a short getaway. Prolly on a weekend or something.
But feel kinda lazy.
I juz dunnoe what I want.
Its back to work tomorrow.
So sianz
After one whole week of lazing around the house and stressing over exams, I feel so lethargic on going back to office tomorrow.
But of course, working is kinda better than exams. But studying is so much better than working. Contradicting??
I guess only a few people can truly understand how I feel.
At least I have Laughter Monday. Channel 18. =)
It kinda helps to get past the monday blues.
Well, well, im feeling happy at this moment which is a good thing right?
Oh yea, did not speak to Samuel in the longest time. I wonder how is he doin? =(