Saturday, April 26, 2008

a little moment of Happiness.

This is exactly how I felt after my last paper.... for this semester.
Im not confident of my last paper, but definitely glad that it is over. For now. =s
Spent the whole day in roaming town after exams. Watched Harold and Kumar.
It was hilarious.
My favourite part = Hello Kitty. LoL
Weather is hot. Making me irritated.
But how bad the weather is, can't change how relieved im feeling right now.
I feel like I can breathe again. =)
Roaming around town town reminded me why I did not step in town for such a long time. Crazy weather in the noon, too many people and too much traffic.
But I did had fun though, people watching and bitching with Keong. And of course juz spending time with Ken Baby, without worrying bout exams. =)
Had green apple ice blended with extra pearl.
Paid a visit to Van's shop at Far East but she wan not in. -.- But managed to catch up with Alisha at the shop anyways. Greeted Kegen as well.
Today was a pretty fruitful day, in a way.

Home seems like such a better option.
~Home Sweet Home~