Sunday, September 19, 2010

Haven been here for a long time.....

hmmmm...... what shall I update? I realised that whenever people see me now, they only ask me how's my wedding preparation. All I can answer is..... "Like that lor".

Im like a month away and I seriously still dunnoe what Ken & I are doing about the wedding. A little here and there. Maybe we're just counting on a BIG miracle.

We're so caught up with work, barely have time to do any wedding plans and preparations. Kenneth works on weekends and I feel so lazy on weekends. Gah! So worried!!! Worried bout what? I dunnoe!

Having a really swollen eye right now. Dunnoe whatssup with my stupid eyeball. Now I gotta wear glasses to work. UGLY! I hope the swelling goes down. BooHOo.

I feel thankful and grateful to those who put in lots of effort for my wedding. Very very thankful for them. I just pray... everything WILL go well......

Work again tomorrow. Give me strength.