Monday, June 28, 2010

Hello Kitty gets Emo too....

Its Monday and Im home.... Feels kinda good. :) But im alone, cuz everything was so sudden Kenneth was unable to take leave with me.
I tendered my resignation on Monday and my last day was on Thurs cuz of the leave I have to clear. Now out of a sudden, I have nothing to do with no plans. Prolly I should just rest and get ready for the new challenge ahead.

I feel kinda worried and scared. Yet looking forward to my new job as well. Have so much mixed feelings within me.

Im like super super broke. Again. I realise im forever broke. Sigh. its useless of me to say things like, I should stop buying clothes, I should not buy shoes, cuz it DOES NOT WORK. It only makes me sad. So well, I should just go through life broke. :) Be strong.

I lurrrvvvvveeeee my new car. Although its not the colour I wanted initially (Yellow), the more I look at it, I love it. It blends well with all the other cars on the road. Like a TAXI. hee hee. But I still love my car.

Im so bored. What should I do..... Time for movie marathon and drama serials. WooHoo!!

P/S: Please pray for my wedding preparations.... Kenneth & I are damn slack! Die! We need a BIG MIRACLE for things to go well.....