Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A very Pink Birthday....

My birthday would be up soon... and well... although im happy that my birthday is coming but it kinda feels the same as any other day. I do not have the same excitement I felt when I was young. prolly cuz now it juz means im getting old. Bleah.
But im still gonna try to have a Happy Birthday. =)
To make this birthday a Happy one... I wanna thank my baby!!
Baby, thanx so much for the bicycle. Its really something different. Something I never expect in a million years. It was really a surprise. A really good surprise to find it in the bedroom. Cuz somehow u know that I want a bicycle except cycle to where.... I have no idea yet. hehe
I love it! Its so cuuuutteeeeeeeeeeee..........

FJ!!! U another sweetie. Thank you. thank you. thank you. for the gift. Im so happy!!! Wheeee.....

I love my gifts, Thank you baby, Thank you FJ. HUGZ!!!
FJ, dun be sad k? I will always be around..... to PLAY MJ WITH U!!! =D
anyways, recently i've been so busy with stuff. Busy with my pilates classes, resistance training classes, gym, swimming, work....
Kenneth is also pretty busy with his property stuff, barely get to spend quality time with him. But I wan him to do well and this is his time to shine. So I shall juz keep myself busy and pray that my bf starts earning money. Wheee... then we can go for holiday!
I hate my job. its getting worse. juz completed a powerpoint for big boss and now I gotta do a poster. JIU WO AH!! This sunday I gotta go back to work for system testing. Pffftt. This sucks. The suckier part? I got a party at my own home to celebrate Jac & my bday and I will be late for it. ARGGG!!!
But nevertheless, im looking forward to seeing the gang, its been a while. so well, hopefully it will be fun!