Saturday, May 2, 2009


Exams have been over for over a week... and everyday after is full of activities to do. I LOVE IT.
I love not worrying bout exams, bout projects, bout school..... wheeeepeeeee
But being toooo free also means I got more time to spend more money. Which is bad. =(
I've been spending too much recently and gotta start controlling again.
I've signed up for a fitness package with Joycelyn. I feel so healthy already!! Im goin for pilates, kickboxing, gym, hip-hop class.... Im so excited!!
Had a surprised party last nite to celebrate Mama's birthday as well as mother's day. Was cool hanging with my cousins and family the entire day. I feel so happy when I get to see my cousins and grandma. =D I *heart* them. Was suppose to join Sam and the rest at Cafe Del Mar, but was unable to make it cuz grandma got drunk juz drinking 1 glass of wine. But the wine alcohol content was pretty strong. Felt a bit aimless after the party so headed down to Alicia's place for MJ!!!! Wooohooo
Played till i could barely keep my eyes open.
So fast its finally Sat. I got a little time to pen my thoughts down as im washing Kenneth's dirty laundry while he went rock climbing with frens.
There are so many things that I have planned that I always pushed to after my exams. Now its finally the end of my exams and my hoping that I can clear both my modules. Now Its time to start doin the things which I plan to do. Firstly doin some minor redecorating at home. wheee