Sunday, May 10, 2009

I miss my bf!!! Especially more when Im sick and home alone. boohoohoo
Anyways. Finally!!! its all done and over with. Wheeee....
Got my results and Im very pleased with it. Its more than what I hoped for. Got distinctions for both my modules. Truly truly glad. THANK GOD!
Started my fitness classes and gym sessions last week. Since the first lesson, I have been walking around everyday with an aching abdomen and aching thighs. But Im taking my first step towards a healthy lifestyle. Feels good sweating it out, which is something I have not done for many many years.

Its a Sunday and Kenneth is back in Tekong. This sucks. But well, we bought a new tv!!!! So cool! Its something we both wanted to buy for a pretty long time but could not bear to. But since now the price is right, we bought without any hesitation. And guess what, Im broke again. But still happy. =)
So now im home with my new 37" TV and there is no nice shows on tv. argggg. -.-"" still ended up watchin mobtv on the laptop.

back to work tomorrow and im soooooo not looking forward to it. Feeling really sick since last nite. and have laid in bed the whole day.... but im still feeling really sucky.
Hope I will feel much better tomorrow to be able to make for my fitness class....*sigh*
The show S Factor is getting really exciting, as in bitchy exciting. Its..... entertaining if I have to say. Really, goin to such extents for the approval of men. GAH.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Exams have been over for over a week... and everyday after is full of activities to do. I LOVE IT.
I love not worrying bout exams, bout projects, bout school..... wheeeepeeeee
But being toooo free also means I got more time to spend more money. Which is bad. =(
I've been spending too much recently and gotta start controlling again.
I've signed up for a fitness package with Joycelyn. I feel so healthy already!! Im goin for pilates, kickboxing, gym, hip-hop class.... Im so excited!!
Had a surprised party last nite to celebrate Mama's birthday as well as mother's day. Was cool hanging with my cousins and family the entire day. I feel so happy when I get to see my cousins and grandma. =D I *heart* them. Was suppose to join Sam and the rest at Cafe Del Mar, but was unable to make it cuz grandma got drunk juz drinking 1 glass of wine. But the wine alcohol content was pretty strong. Felt a bit aimless after the party so headed down to Alicia's place for MJ!!!! Wooohooo
Played till i could barely keep my eyes open.
So fast its finally Sat. I got a little time to pen my thoughts down as im washing Kenneth's dirty laundry while he went rock climbing with frens.
There are so many things that I have planned that I always pushed to after my exams. Now its finally the end of my exams and my hoping that I can clear both my modules. Now Its time to start doin the things which I plan to do. Firstly doin some minor redecorating at home. wheee