Saturday, January 3, 2009

I slept the first day of 2009 away

I finished watching Little Nonya on MobTV as I could not wait each day for each episode to unfold.
I don't like the ending. =( Boring.
Anyways, my new year eve was a very quiet affair spent at home watching the countdown on both Channel 5 & Channel 8. I tink Channel 5 countdown at Marina Bay was so much better lor. Minutes to midnite we were all bloody tipsy from all the alcohol. I was feeling like damn bloated and sick from all the mixes. White wine with vodka, mix with a little Baileys and some juices... I can't really remember. made me feel real sick. But overall it was juz a quiet nite watchin movies, playing games and chatting with lots of alcohol. Even Ira joined us for some beer, BINGO and 21.

Keong was the first one to get drunk and went completely nuts. We have the video to prove it~! haha. Pity Samuel did not come. Oh well...

My new eye candy for 2009, Dai Yang Tian. So cheena rite the name. But he is so damn hot!! He totally overtook Elvin Ng in my hotties list. Check out his pics to simply understand why.

He was on Channel 8 coundown show. Wheeee.....

His picture from the show that be acted in. So cute....... 'Little Japanese'.

Hopefully 2009 would be a EVEN better year for me. With good food, nice drinks, great novels to read and lots of love from family and frens. =D
No more putting up of bullshit from people and loving myself more. Much much more.
No new year resolution for me since I can never keep them. So well, juz go with the flow wherever 2009 takes me.
Ok, maybe juz one resolution.
1. Stop spending so much money.
I tink I really do have too much clothes, cuz everyone that come up also exclaims at my wardrobe. Keong calls my wardrobe Takashimaya. Point taken.

*too lazy to rotate the pic* random pics of Qubie.
Happy new year loves.