Monday, October 6, 2008


Im feeling so damn irritated. And nothing is wrong. Absolutely nothing.
I only way to explain how im feeling is that I woke up on the wrong side on the bed. Where everything that can go wrong. WILL go wrong.
First... the mrt ride to work pissed me off. Cuz of pushy and impatient people. The door is not even opened yet and people behind me are pushing me to get out of the way. I got so fed up, i shouted at them to WAIT!!! Cuz Im getting off too! wat is their prob man.... even if im not getting off, I'll definitely make way for them to get off when I have more space when the door opens. gosh. IRRITATING.
then when I finally reach work, I realised that I gotta attend a course tonite. Which I completely forgot and I agreed to meet my groupmates to discuss my presentation, which I cannot postpone cuz the presentation is on wed. So i go around to beg my colleagues who are suppose to attend the course tomorrow to change with me, but all say they cannot switch days with me cuz tonite they need to go home. Which pissed the hell out of me, and I feel like giving a flying kick to all. But instead i juz sulk. I must have looked damn ugly sulking, LiLian agreed to switch with me but with all the guilt included. That she gotta miss dinner with her mom and all...... WHATEVER! but thanks anyway cuz I do not want to sound like an ingrate. It was sweet of her anyway.

so well, work goes on. im bored. frustrated. irritated. agitated.
argg...... sian ah!

To be more positive. I had a fruitful weekend. I did 3 batches of laundry.... -.-
I spent time with my grandma, met up with my mom. had dinner with Kenneth's family and spent Sunday with Uncle Alan and family.... had small talk with Baby Kayla... so overall, I was happy.

okie, back to work and sulking.
Luisa, u can make it through this hectic week......
4 more days to my off day. I can't wait....