Saturday, September 6, 2008

backtrack - both will always be my baby. =D

Its dark and it's gloomy outside. Raining and it's cold. Wondering what is the world doin? Preparing for their fun night out? Zouk? Heard there is some kind of bash goin on. Zzzzzz....
How bout the show goin on at Tabs, where Keong's bike gotta be on stage as a prop for the models. hahahaha
Everyone preparing for their night out of fun and I juz woke up from my afternoon nap to see that it's raining outside. I love the rain when Im home. Its kinda therapeutic. Calming and soothing.
Argg... I have no life. School has started and Im constantly sick. I have no plans, no where to go. No people to meet. No energy to go anywhere and no mood to meet anyone.
I feel like I have only u. Well....At least I still have you. =)

Somehow, somewhere, watched a episode of Will & Grace and brought back some feeling of nostalgia. I miss those days of watchin Will & Grace on a small screen of iPod Video in bed. Sami's iPod video. I miss those days of trying to imitate Dirty Dancing in my living room. I miss those days of squeezin on the counch and watchin a DVD and me falling asleep halfway and u unsucessfully waking me up. I miss those days where we were totally broke and had to borrow money so we both could have money to eat.
Gosh~! Those were my gloomiest days yet full of fun and laughter.
U were with me through my darkest moments and I love u for it!

I was goin through my LJ and saw this and decided to repost it, juz in case we go through life each day and you tend to forget.
All the times spent together makes me smile.
Thanks for being around all this time.
To someone I love as a little brother, who loves me back for who I am.
I always be there for you
When you need someone, Will I be that one you need?
I will do all my best to protect you
When the tears get near your eyes
I'll be the one that's by your side
I'll be there when you call me in the middle of the night
I'll try my best to take care of you
Take your darkest night and make it bright for you
I'll be there to make you strong and to lean on
When you need someone
I promise I'll be there for you, like how u have been around for me.

I guess it's a quiet nite in and David Cook's Always be my baby is on loop tonite while I enjoy my book. Bliss.Kinda.I guess.
I realized that I looked so much slimmer in the pics with Samuel compared to the chubby face with Kenneth. I want to be slim/skinny/aneroxic again. Without the pain and worries. hehe. asking for too much? maybe

read. reading. read.