Saturday, August 23, 2008

my heart hurts....

I was off from work today and Kenneth was off to guard duty early in the morning. So what could I do....
Well, I could choose to spent the whole day bumming around reading my book, waiting for time to pass.
Or.... I could ask people out for coffee.... Or I could go spend the whole day pampering myself.
Guess what? I chose option 3. Im very happy yet my heart hurts from all the money spent. I dun even dare to tell Kenneth the exact amount I spent. He would not scold me at all, but Im juz so embarrassed that I have no self control at all. Im such a spendthrift!!! Why??
Meaning:- A spendthrift (also called profligate) is someone who spends money prodigiously and who is extravagant and recklessly wasteful.

Im feeling damn bloody remorseful now. but there is nothing I can do but reflect on what I did today.
First my plans for today was to go for a facial, since after my exams, im having breakouts and its making me feel depressed and ugly. Suppose to go to my regular beautician at Aramsa Spa but cuz they were fully booked I had to resort to my 2nd choice - Spa Esprit. Called them and realised that they moved to Dempsey Hill. Was excited to go check out the new place.

It was BEAUTIFUL. I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT THERE SO MUCH. Facial was good, view was good, environment was good. Overall it felt good.

Anywas the total damage on my bank account is really quite a significant amount when I start to calculate. Oh no... please dun start nagging at me. I promise not to spend any more money till next pay day.
Strip : Brazillian Wax + Cream =$110
Spa Esprit @House: Facial + Eye treatment= $210(*faints) Package =$600 (arggg)
Mystique hair salon = $350 (dun ask me about it)
Rough amount I spent = $1060 +parking+petrol+cigarettes
Gosh, my heart is pounding so hard now. Im damn expensive to maintain!!!!!!
I doubt I can sleep tonite.
But then again I work hard for my money so I deserve to spend it right? right?????
And no, I did not get any bonus.
Pls dun mention anything about this to me. Dun ask me bout it. Juz let it be. I need to hibernate for the rest of the month from now.
I need to save for my Europe trip.
Oh ya, did I mention that I juz bought a new camera and a pretty looking white HDD and a new thumbdrive. All within the span of less than 2 weeks.
Start saving now LUISA LIM!