Tuesday, August 19, 2008


It is often said, Tomorrow will be better. I had a cranky day at work yesterday, went to sleep hoping today would be better. It got worse.

Feeling damn sian. damn lost. damn directionless.
Im so glad that exams are over. Really glad. I felt like I could smile again. Kenneth says the glow on my face is back again. Up till the weekend was over, and work juz wiped out that smile on my face.

Caleb and I were discussing. He had a tough week at work when I was over taking my exams. So he was pretty beaten down when I was back at work. Everything was a pile of mess waiting for me to clear up. SIAN AH!
We both so wanna tender our resignation so badly. But.... its not difficult to find a job now but to find a job that pays us more or at least the same to do what we do would be difficult.

so well.... life goes on. in a sucky way. but im definitely enjoying every moment of no exams and classes. but it will only last for 2 weeks and I'll be back to school on 1st Sept. -.-

Back to work for 2 days and im of to a 3 day course tomorrow. Wheepee..... I love goin for courses. All the tea-breaks, lunch-breaks, brunch, smoke breaks, toilet breaks...etc.
All alone tonite, Kenneth off to guard duty. Well, at least I get to read my new book that I have.