Thursday, July 24, 2008

the weather is.....

I ought to be happy. Im on MC tomorrow. My throat hurts. My nose is running and Im running a mild temperature. Must be the weather this few days, it keeps raining... its really depressing.
I really and honestly did not wan to take MC tomorrow but well.... since doc insisted that I take a rest. I should. Right? =D Kenneth is on OFF too. wheepee... so we get to bum the whole day tomorrow. So happy.
Im still feeling so guilty bout the 'auntie incident'. Told my colleagues bout it and they all laughed. And really laughed out loud. But its not funny to me. I really got a shocked. =S Guilty like shit too cuz suppose to go pick mama up and send her to Karaoke class, but was caught up at the doc's so could not, needed to rush to class after for my presentation. Super hectic~!!!
Ultrasound scan came out today, all organs are in order. I asked doctor what causes the ache and he said it might be some dried blood inside. *scary*
So how? Doc says nothing can be done but wait and see whether it gets worse.... -.-
Great. Wait till when Im about to die then tell me to do something bout it.
im so angry. i need a happy space.
People at work keep telling me that Ken is a good bf... blah blah blah. I have no doubts bout it now, but they dun even know him. How do they know that he is a good guy? Juz cuz he picks me up from work everyday? Waits hours for me and sends me wherever I wanna go? etc etc.
Why don't people say that Im such a good gf to Kenneth. I do my part to0 lei.....
Anyways, was backtracking a little today at the taxi stand while waiting for Baby. was thinking back to the time when I have no Ken in my life. All the partying, all the mistakes, all the things I did. I do not regret anything, but wished I have done things different. Wished that I have made different decisions about certain things. Thought differently.
I do not regret because I believe that without all that have happened, it would not bring me to where I am today. Down to earth and Trying to appreciate everything in life.
I would most prob be the same spoilt brat I was 3 years back, irritating and demanding and absolutely unbearable. Juz ask the ex. I knew I was a really nice person back then, but my pride was juz to stong and nose too high up in the air. I had everything.
Only when I almost lost everthing........ I woke up. It was a scary and dark period for me. Not knowing where I was headed. Not being able to make plans for my future. Not having my family with me. Being all alone. It was totally miserable. I never wish to be back there again. And Im thankful for Samuel shoving Kenneth into my life. Both have been such a constant pillar of love and support towards me. Helping me to build up my life all over again.
Also my darling girls, Jarlyn and Ali-cia.
Alicia for always doin my facial and making me pretty. and cooking for me when im hungry.
Jarlyn for always being irritating but I dunnoe why I still wan to talk to u. I always believed it was that first time u talked to me. "Eh, wan to go smoke?"
Best pick up line ever~!!
Looking back at 'queerjaded', it was really a turbulent time for me. now im building up my life day by day, having dreams to be fufilled...........
im tired and sick. time to go to bed. the drowsy medicine is kicking in and its time for my daily massage.