Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday happens like it never came...

Its Saturday, a day that i spend my whole week looking forward to and Im now all alone at home.
Went to Liyana's wedding after work just now. It was fun gathering and catching up with people I haven't seen in a long time. I have no idea at all how to drive to Pasir Ris but I have to say that Aaron gives pretty good directions and Sharon had been a good co-driver. So despite me being the kayu driver that I am, I managed to reach the place in a pretty decent timing, and everybody's lives were still intact. =)

Me too wanna get married~!! Liyana looks so happy. I feel so happy and envy her at the same time. When will it be my turn??? I wan to wear a pretty dress and take pretty photos.....
I wanna be a mother too. really really. I tink its time. or maybe im juz so done with my life rite now. All I really wan.... really wan is my own family. A home I can come home to. My own family. I wan to be able to get a bigger place, bring my grandma with me and live happily ever after with me. yup yup.
F#%* the parents. I do love them with whatever space I have left in my heart. But all I need is just my granny.

Its so quiet at home. I slept the whole afternoon away and woke up feeling so lonely. Suppose to meet Jarlyn but was so exhausted from working and wedding I have no energy left in me. So now Im stoning on my sofa with my textbooks all around me. Suppose to start studying for my exams... but i get so frustrated juz thinking bout it. I can't breathe when I look at it. I HATE STUDYING~!!! I HATE DEADLINES~! I HATE EXAMS~!
Oh man, I juz wanna get this over and done with. Im really really so afraid that I can't pass my modules this sem. I feel like crying everytim I tink of it.
I tink im giving myself too much stress.... I need to breathe. i need to calm down.
God please help me. I can't do it on my own. Im nothing without u. Thank you.

I can't wait to go fetch Ken from work later.

Now that I have you, I can't imagine my life without u.
You give in to my every whine.
You do anything to make me smile.
You take all my shitty mood swings and harsh words that comes out when im in a foul mood.
You work so much so that u may buy gifts to surprise me.
You watch all chick flick movies with me even though I know U really wanna watch movies like "I am Legend", "Hancock"....etc.
Nope, Im still not goin to watch those movies, so boring.
I wanna go watch the dog show.... 10 promises to my dog.
.... what I wan to say is, you make me happy. Hopefully you'll stick around for a long time.