Monday, June 9, 2008

Love Fest Part 2

Us at 'PLAY'. Can't say it was fun. It was the same old thing. Different faces, different crowd. But juz being with friends... I had fun despite my constant yawning due to being up way past my regular bed time. And my aching feet, cuz I was standing for too long.

I had a good Saturday. But I slept through Sunday... felt so crappy when I woke up. Damn. It has been so long since I last drank alcohol and had tummy ache the next day. Today is monday and as usual, I suffered from Monday Blues. But Im glad its over... juz looking forward to my spa holiday with Kenneth on my Birthday.
But till my holiday, Im back to typing reports and school work for now. Im rushing out my work so I can enjoy my leave at the end of the week.
I have made my decision regarding my studies and my holiday. I decided to defer my studies for one sem. yes... juz for a holiday. Few say its dumb to defer studies for a holiday. Many say go for the holiday. So im goin with the majority and postponing my graduation date.... All for the sake of a 13day holiday in Eastern Europe.
Worth it or not? I still do not know. Sigh. Dilemna.. okok... I've decided already. I shall stick to the plan.... hopefully all goes well.
Happy happy happy..... a little cranky... but mostly happy.